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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > NBRC Needs some real leadership
NBRC Needs some real leadership

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Mongrel Lofts
300 posts
Jul 21, 2007
9:11 PM
I must be the only one that feels this way but I still have to say it. That piece on fox news proves that Juan and anyone holding office in the NBRC needs to do the right thing and step down. They pointed out; we say we don't support the trapping and killing of hawks but that our president was involved. This is a no Brainier, for the good of the club and the members, anyone holding office in the NBRC and involved in the hawk sting needs to step down, NOW!! So the club can say they don't support such activity's without looking like liars!! We can support these men outside of the NBRC but they should and must step down for the good of the membership and the future of the NBRC. Common guys, we booted a man out of the vice presidency for a backyard tussle.. This is national, even world wide and effects every aspect of the sport and those that keep the Birmingham roller. This last bulletin, Unbelievable!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS THINKING?? Next we will hear about illegal aliens being employed by NBRC members on national television.. I'm really baffled here. Why are we not stopping the bleeding? The first thing you do when you find yourself in a hole, is stop digging! The NBRC seams to be passing out shovels!! KGB

Last Edited by on Jul 21, 2007 9:23 PM
759 posts
Jul 21, 2007
9:59 PM
I agree with you Kenny,
I have nothing against the guys that sit atop the NBRC, but as stated, to reduce the hardship and bad feeling by those not in the hobby, I think it would be best for the future of the NBRC for them to step aside. You can't run a company if the head honcho is a crook.

Maybe impeachment..LOL



Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
575 posts
Jul 22, 2007
12:13 AM
The guys are all innocent till proven guilty in my eyes but also i do know where you are coming from Kenny. Not that my input makes a hoot of difference living thousands of miles away from you guys anyway.
W@yne UK

Patience Perseverance Perfection
wafer kits
20 posts
Jul 22, 2007
6:05 AM
Wayne; I live closer than you do and I agree with you. Al
760 posts
Jul 22, 2007
8:17 AM
I was not calling those that were busted crooks, just that if those in charge in any business are not obeying the rules, then that makes it hard for those below them to stay on the right track.

You can email me if ya wanna talk business...LOL



Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
144 posts
Jul 22, 2007
10:27 AM
I agree... Not that any of us really want to but it is well past time for those accused to cowboy up and step down from office. For the betterment of the club it IS the right thing for them to do. and it IS the respectable thing to do for the rest of the membership.

Allen Turcotte is , I believe willing to step up and either assume the presidency or at least be put on a ballott to be voted on. I think he would be a great asset to the club in that capacity. I doubt many at this time will be willing to do that for the club. I say lets give him a chance.
282 posts
Jul 22, 2007
10:33 AM
You are correct Kenny and I like yourself have been saying this for quite some time. Not stating at all that I dont stand behind Juan and the others but They need to seperate themselves from the NBRC in order to stop the focus from being put on the club rather than on themselves. I am sure that they do not wish for the club to be drug through the mud but when you are dealing with the media that is what happens and it wont stop happening until they disassociate themselves from the club. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1460 posts
Jul 22, 2007
10:58 AM
Hello All, I am curious as what opinion you, our site visitors have on this issue. I have setup a poll to register your opinion: VOTE HERE
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
122 posts
Jul 22, 2007
5:25 PM
Iam really not sure what should be done or how we can fix the wrong that has been done to the NBRC or its membership due to this unfortunate incident. All I know is, thier are many WRONGS being done all the time, Just certain ones get CAUGHT doing them. We all may have done things in the past that were not right, but, WE just didn't get CAUGHT. For God sakes keep your mouth shut and go about your business, No one needs to brag, ok maybe not brag,advertise about such matters.(edited by moderator.) AAAnd now its time to step up and do the right thing. Sorry if anyone gets offended about my opinion. BUT, truthfully Scarlet I don't give a dam.


Last Edited by on Jul 22, 2007 9:09 PM
295 posts
Jul 22, 2007
7:29 PM
What does one incident have to do with another,nothing!!That was along time ago already,why are you bringing up??As far as I'm concerned the right decision was voted on and made,period.
If you have a problem with Juan,why don't you take it up with Juan,MAKE SENSE,why involve every body else??Maybe I've been out of the loop for a while,but has Juan been covicted or sentenced??Is Juan being made an example,unfairly??If it was you,would you want somebody writing posts like this based on heresay??Can you back up anything you have to say about the recent predator situation in regards to its members??

One thing I've noticed about you is you pop on this site when you want to create negative controversy,what's up with that?I've asked you questions in the past about youre uniqe kit box setup,that you never responded to,why!!What are your intenions for the other people in the sport that could use your positive insight from your past experience??

Tony,don't feed into the negativity on this subject.Because Kenny is a respected flyer doesn't mean he's being factual here.

Juan Navarro is a fine roller man,and I for one will support him as a person and a club leader...Aloha,Todd
425 posts
Jul 22, 2007
8:07 PM
I haven't been here as long as most, and probably haven't earned an opinion yet, but I don't blame any one! We should be a team, stick together, not jumping out and pointing fingers! We just need to quit harming their SOBs and slip quietly back out of sight, let the waves calm down, and they will be focusing on M. Vick and the dog fighters! Were never gonna be respected by many! We get quiet and this will pass! We just need to get quiet about it! Change the subject!

Man, that dog fighting is some cruel stuff! Get it!


Last Edited by on Jul 30, 2007 10:59 AM
Donny James
8 posts
Jul 22, 2007
8:32 PM
hay kgb,
i have to agree with you 110% you know as well as i do that the nbrc isn't going to a damn thing about there officers and members and it ran on the buddy plain thats my opinion................donny james
1255 posts
Jul 22, 2007
9:16 PM
Listen Guys and gals,
After all the work that went into cleaning up all the posts on this website pertaining to BOPs 2months ago,please don't say shit about doing anything to BOPs on ANY posts on this site.Alot of hours went into deleting ALOT of posts and entire threads in the archives.Please respect that.If anyone feels I'm a -rick for saying something,let's discuss it.
Kelly-site moderator.

Last Edited by on Jul 22, 2007 9:22 PM
George Ruiz
322 posts
Jul 22, 2007
9:36 PM
Remember guys "People that live in glass houses should not throw Rocks"

I guess everyone in here is a Saint WOW !!!

1909 posts
Jul 22, 2007
9:46 PM
The NBRC is vital to what we are, as breeders and flyers. To do anything that would weaken or destroy the organization has to be avoided(period)

Any changes to it's staff; to it's structure has to be thought out carefully.

Too few people involve themselves in it that belong to it. Look at the number of voting members there are for elections or anything else that a vote is needed. Very few members vote.

Too few Roller breeders and flyers belong to the NBRC. How many on the site don't even belong? $26 a year gets you a membership and the member gets a butt load of benefits. That is 7 cents a day. Don't tell me you can't afford it. If it so happens that you can't afford it I will take on 10 individuals and pay thier membership dues.

Everybody who is envolved in the Roller hobby should be in the club; everybody should take atleast a minimum active roll in it as well.

The question I have is this: If the people who got caught up in this BOP "sting" that are officers were to stepdown who is ready to stepup? Get your candidates lined up before you make any demands on the current staff or on the current membership. And, in the same token if an executive decides he is going to stepdown he has to make sure there are qualified people that will continue to work in his sted.

The club is what has to survive.

Last Edited by on Jul 22, 2007 9:48 PM
426 posts
Jul 22, 2007
10:11 PM
That comment meant, don't get caught messing with them in any way, don't kill them, harm them, or even shew them away and they can't do anything to us! They will go find someone else to pick on! Maybe pro quarterbacks and dogfighting or steriods use in pro wrestling! The media just wants to stir the pot! We just need to get out of the stew!

This whole subject needs to disappear! We're just keeping the drama going ourselves!

There is another forum out there that this subject hasn't came up since it happened!
Might be wise to play it the same way!

All I know is we have team mates out there in trouble! Like Gregg, we should just focus on helping them out, thats whats important! Club = sticking together!JMO


Last Edited by on Jul 30, 2007 10:58 AM
427 posts
Jul 22, 2007
10:14 PM
Great words, Nick!


Last Edited by on Jul 22, 2007 10:16 PM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1461 posts
Jul 23, 2007
7:33 AM
Hey Val, with some topics we go all the way to the edge here and some times fall over. It's what makes All Roller Talk, well, All Roller Talk.

This is a tough topic I know, but is one that in my opinion needs to be published to inform the roller community of the most important issue to come our way.

Here is a really easy solution to all this, start a new club called the "Fall Fly Roller Club", file for non-profit corporate status and hold new elections. The current NBRC officers can run for the same offices along with any new candidates.

Take the current $78,000 the NBRC has and refund it back to the current membership (2000 members = $39 refund) which they can use to join the new club which new club dues are $39 and the treasury instantly has $78,000 at it's disposal). Dis-band the NBRC and everyone gets a new start with the FFRC.

I know this will never happen but seems like a good idea.
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
519 posts
Jul 23, 2007
7:43 AM
Tony, whilst the US forms the lion's share of NBRC membership, other countries are involved also. Given how far the World Cup now extends, isn't it time for an international roller organisation?

With very American terms like 'fall' and 'fall fly', it does come across as wanting just an American organisation.

577 posts
Jul 23, 2007
9:14 AM
Well said Shaun,
Shaun you are absolutely correct NBRC have members right across the globe if its going to change name at least let it be called
International Roller Club,
Or along these lines but Tony i think your heading in the right direction changing the name might be the answer.
W@yne UK

Patience Perseverance Perfection
1459 posts
Jul 23, 2007
10:56 AM
Man, are you ever so right George. Amazing isn't it. When this is over, dude I'll be happy to address those folks head on!!!! I'm chomping at the bit and have about a two inch thick stack of "stuff with more guys names and comments in it than you or I would ever imagine. Some two-faced innocents are going to shit themselves silly.

Shaun, the NBRC is not a international club and has nothing to do with the WC. The World Cup International Fly is completely, solely and entirely different and separate from the NBRC. The NBRC Fall Fly is a North American Fly.

Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2007 10:57 AM
520 posts
Jul 23, 2007
11:32 AM
Brian, I'm aware of the differences you mention. However, the NBRC does already have an international slant to it, in that its doors are open to members from other countries and some have been featured in its Hall of Fame, or as Master Flyers.

So, if the club's current formation were to be changed, there's an opportunity to consider widening its scope. If it wishes to stay as a US-driven organisation, that's fine. However, something more international is bound to have appeal, given the number of countries involved in the W/C.

94 posts
Jul 23, 2007
11:39 AM
The NBRC is a US roller organization. Just like the NBRA is an English organization. The National fly that is sponsored by the NBRC is the fall fly.
There may be a niche for an international Roller Club, but this would be in addition to not in place of the NBRC.
wafer kits
21 posts
Jul 23, 2007
11:54 AM
Guys; Here's a novel about keeping the NBRC and fixing it within? Al
521 posts
Jul 23, 2007
11:57 AM
Point taken, Keith.

42 posts
Jul 23, 2007
11:59 AM
Brian, I also bristle at the thought of fellow fanciers abandoning an organization's leadership or even obscure members just because that group is under attack. I see it as being just plain old "lilly livered"! The en-masse backing away only sends a message to those wishing the organization irrepuble harm, more reason to desiminate corruptable lies and untruths. We should not be disassociating ourselves away from those being charged with misdemeanors, even though we don't condone what thier being charged with. Thier's not an angel in the lot of us or the accusers! We need to stop running scared and work towards making the NBRC a true international organization. Numbers are what is needed, so that any description of us involves 10,000 worldwide instead of 2,000 nationally. The International Roller Club sounds promising. They will soon try to match us with dog fighting to achieve thier goals and the majority voting in Tony's recent poll will fall right in line with that aim by tucking thier tales and acting guilty by dumping the club officers.
When you stick your head in the sand-your ass is still exposed! Otis
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1462 posts
Jul 23, 2007
12:32 PM
Well Otis, I disagree with you.
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
1911 posts
Jul 23, 2007
12:32 PM
I don't understand the accusation that the NBRC is suffering? The club has not been indicted; the hobby has not been indicted; I have not been indicted; you have not been indicted. Three tenths of one percent of the NBRC membership has been indicted and NONE have been proven guilty. Zero! Nada! How bad is the NBRC suffering and from what?

It is only suffering from some jerks and it has nothing to do with any indictments issued.

Where is the blood!?

Everybody STOP and stand pat. Damn, you can't step into a crowded theater and hollar "FIRE!".

Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2007 12:36 PM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1463 posts
Jul 23, 2007
12:44 PM
It’s called “INTEGRITY”. Doing the right thing, cause it’s the right thing. Stepping down until this matter is resolved is not admitting guilt, its integrity and thinking of the group first and it’s the right thing.

When all club officers and club members who have been alleged to have committed a misdemeanor by violating the MBTA have been exonerated, we should be happy to re-instate them to their former positions.

However, I am sure an attorney is involved with this decision and that is why the right thing is not being done. LMAO

FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
61 posts
Jul 23, 2007
12:45 PM
What happen to supporting your friend's and comrade's when time's get tough?.It dosent take much to see what some people are made of!!

Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1464 posts
Jul 23, 2007
12:51 PM
Hey Nick, be careful what you ask for...
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1465 posts
Jul 23, 2007
12:53 PM
Doesn't take much to see what people will fall for either. If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1466 posts
Jul 23, 2007
1:03 PM
Gregg Sale is in the process of doing something tangible so far as helping those accused. When the non-profit corp he has to setup is running, I will put money where my mouth is and make a donation, I will then encourage all site-members and visitors to this site to donate in SUPPORT OF THOSE ACCUSED.
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1467 posts
Jul 23, 2007
1:06 PM
I support those accused. I stand by my comrades. Defend the club at all costs. Wow, that was easy to say.
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1469 posts
Jul 23, 2007
1:28 PM
I decided to pull the poll in support of those accused. I want to thank those who voted early and often. LOL
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

Check Out Our Pigeon Supply Store
1914 posts
Jul 23, 2007
1:40 PM
Al Perron,

Now you are in here talking sence(LOL) How dare you be the voice of reason and at your age....shame on you(LOL)

285 posts
Jul 23, 2007
4:32 PM
well I cant speak for anybody but myself and I am saying that I don't feel anybody needs to be abandoned at this time, However this is bringing negative media to the NBRC and to the breed. However we may solve it I am all for but I feel the fastest way is to step away from the throne and that is not admitting anything or denying anything. Just plain putting the NBRC first. I have personally met most of the gentlemen accused in this mess and to me they are all very upstanding guys. I wish them all the best in this and would be willing to speak on behalf of this fine hobby we all share.
What I wont do is just assume that the NBRC is going to be just fine when we all have our names on its registry. Joe
J.M.Urbon Lofts
A Proven Family of Spinners
1230 posts
Jul 23, 2007
7:09 PM
Everyone is talking about the support the club, innocent until proven guilty,support the club,resigning or temporarily stepping down,is an admission of guilt,support the club,it`ll be over soon and things will settle down,support the club. The guys who need to support the club the most aren`t.
Flippin`The Bird!
62 posts
Jul 23, 2007
7:15 PM
Politics's are for polition's.We dont really know there agenda and we have some of my fellow comrade's(I wont say our's because I SEE THAT SOME HAS ALREADY TUCKED TAIL aND DONT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM BECAUSE OF THE CURRENT SITUATION BUT WHEN THERE SHARING KNOWLEDGE IT'S ALL GOOD) under the gun. I will suport them till the wheel's fall off, but thats just me.I don't post much But those who know me know I don't run out on the"union" and everyone is entitled to there fair go.My "opinion" is let's do what we can from here, because it's already in the eye of the press to squeeze it for the publicity, when most of us just want to enjoy our bird's.It's our hobby it shouldn't be this stressful.

Mongrel Lofts
302 posts
Jul 23, 2007
9:25 PM
I hope you understand what is being talked about. I think that Jaun should step down for the good of the club. They are using his name as president to damage the NBRC. I think we should then form a fund, Gregg Sale is working on it as we speak! Then we should all contribute to it as much as possible to defend any and all roller fanciers caught in this mess. I just think it should be done out side of and seperate from the NBRC. I don't think that should be offensive to anyone. KGB

Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2007 9:32 PM
wafer kits
22 posts
Jul 23, 2007
9:38 PM
Hey Nick; I knew I would complicate things. New leaders will bring new problems. Change the club name? These things will crop up in any club, regardless of its name. Witness the roller organizations that have fallen by the wayside through the years. The present NBRC is probably the most successful roller club ever...let's keep it! Al
George Ruiz
323 posts
Jul 23, 2007
9:43 PM
I agree Al

1463 posts
Jul 23, 2007
9:57 PM
Kenny, I understand what is being talked about. If you want an answer, call him and I'm quite sure he will give you the skinny on the situation as it pertains to him.

And personally I know of not one single person outside of pigeons that cares one bit about what they heard on the news. Only a few of my friends outside of pigeons even asked "what was that all about" and never said another word again. Not one single friend has even asked how its going, because the forgot all about it way back in May. I know of NO ONE that cares, except us.
43 posts
Jul 24, 2007
6:53 AM
Tony, Kenny, We've all been asked to hesitate to comment on the situation until further litigation and time have ensued.
Cancelling the silly poll was a good move. Being proactive(as Gregg has done) versus being reactive is what is needed. Removing anyone from office is reactive. Let's not do anything that sheds any negative light on us, we must be about turning things around, not going in the same direction. Concentration on the election of new NBRC officer's and World Cup directors are going to have more impact on our future than what just occured. We must move past the quagmire, not wallow in it. Yes, life does go on and we continue planning for the Fall Fly. We are much larger and stronger than we realize. Tony thanks for all your efforts to hear all angles and smart enough to turn the corner when needed. Otis
122 posts
Jul 24, 2007
5:38 PM
I was browsing through this particular post and must say there appears to be several disgruntled NBRC members in regards to the BOP issue and the Feds.

Personally I will keep my opinion to myself on this very serious matter. I've met several of the men involved and will simply say they shall all have their day in court.

In conclusion let it be known for the record that I have never killed a BOP.... and never advocated doing so, therefore, I have no inkling to why a fellow member would do such a thing... other than to basically protect what they consider precious stock.

Deep Spin Lofts

Last Edited by on Jul 24, 2007 5:41 PM
1231 posts
Jul 24, 2007
7:15 PM
Exactly the point. If one is trying to protect his precious stock what is the purpose of flying the birds into the face of a certain attack?
Thats the point Tony is trying to make. By simply removing an easy food source they would have moved on at some point. Now some fanciers due to thier own folly have resident BOP`s who will have to be dealt with by other legal means.
Those amongst us who are allegedly taking the law into thier own hands and screaming "I have a RIGHT to protect my property." Protect it from whom? The fancier who puts them up into the face of adversity claiming to love the birds and the sport,or the BOP who is only doing what IT was bred to do?

Flippin`The Bird!
1262 posts
Jul 24, 2007
10:44 PM
It aint that easy Ken.I have 4 pairs of falcons nesting within a 5 mile radius of my place.Coopers,sharpshinned and redtails as well.If you think I'll EVER be able to convince them shits to move on you're dreamin'!Only hope I can see is to try flying some divers before the rollers.Got 2 pair of Doneks coming from Toronto next week.

Last Edited by on Jul 24, 2007 10:46 PM
1232 posts
Jul 25, 2007
5:17 AM
I know it is a bit simplified. Obviously it is something you consider when you fly in an attempt to minimize your losses. I have also heard you say you lock down when the BOP gets a bit over zealous.
Flippin`The Bird!
1266 posts
Jul 25, 2007
6:32 AM
My birds that are rolling are locked down again now as soon as I put them up the falcon swoops in.They don't bother the YBs much tho so fly them every day.Only have 7 birds left outta 45 from last year but I don't give up easy so hope these Doneks on order help me out some once I get some of them flying too.I'll post some pics when I get 'em.Getting a pair of black baldies and a pair of red baldies.Was thinking before of getting some Catalonians but have heard the tumble and probably the fly has been bred outta them so Doneks are the breed next in my bag a tricks.
95 posts
Jul 25, 2007
9:37 AM
I am close to a falcon nest as well. I have better luck flying as late as possible. Also much better luck when overcast. I almost never get hit when flying in the rain. Worst luck is in blue skies when they elevate. The must be visible from the roost. I cringe every time they elevate. I do my best to manage that with feed. Only so much you can do with feed for the young birds, that is where I take the worst losses.

Good luck with them.


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