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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > How Do I Make Fertilizer From Pigeon Droppings?
How Do I Make Fertilizer From Pigeon Droppings?

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160 posts
Aug 22, 2007
10:38 AM
Hi Guyzzz
Had a question is pigeon poo..good fertilizer or too hot ???????
I remember when i was a kid my dad use chicken poo for the grass....even goat poo ???? for fertilizer
359 posts
Aug 22, 2007
10:50 AM
I mix it with grass clippings and dead leaves in my composter. The plants love it.

1574 posts
Aug 22, 2007
11:10 AM
It is like any othe poo manure. If you were to put it on your plants without letting it rot down it would definitely burn your plants. Given time to compost it is great.
618 posts
Aug 22, 2007
11:15 AM
Pigeon poop is a natural compost breakdown accelerator. Its also a great addition in any compost heap.
W@yne UK

Patience Perseverance Perfection
534 posts
Aug 22, 2007
11:52 AM
I had the same question earlier this year. I'd removed all the lawn from part of my garden so as to grow vegetables. I had umpteen bags of pigeon crap in various states of rotting, so I asked questions and trawled the internet for information. Apparently, pigeon droppings are twice as potent as chickens'. They have been used for centuries and some cultures kept pigeons for the sole reason of having a plentiful supply of manure for growing crops. In short, gardeners around the world put pigeon droppings at the top of the list for desirable manure.

OK, armed with this information I slung many bags of pigeon crap onto my newly rotavated and weeded earth patch. The manure needed to be well turned over with the soil and left for a few days, so the worst of the stinky nitrogen could dissipate into the atmosphere before planting. There were various schools of thought as to whether the pigeon manure was too 'hot' to go straight into the soil (some preferring to mix it with other compost first), or whether it was fine just to sling it on the plot and dig it in. I needed to get planting so opted to sling it on, dig it in and hope.

It has worked brilliantly and my veggies have done very well. Certainly, nothing has burned due to excess nitrogen.

Oh, I was warned it's best not to use manure which has resulted from the breeding season, where the birds have had access to lots of grit and oyster shell. Apparently, this makes for very salty manure, which isn't so good for growing stuff.

408 posts
Aug 22, 2007
2:07 PM
Works great. Make sure it is dry. Wet droppings are very acidic and burn. The dry scraped stuff from kitboxes is like miracle grow. You should see the size of my

21 posts
Aug 22, 2007
2:24 PM
So the next time the lady next door complains about pigeon droppings i can tell her .......its good for your lawn !

619 posts
Aug 22, 2007
2:32 PM
Yes Mike tell yer neighbours yer doing them a favour Lol
W@yne UK

Patience Perseverance Perfection
spinner jim
141 posts
Aug 22, 2007
3:13 PM
Guys,i use it on my veg and its brilliant,but i store it the first season and use it on the second,jim uk.
171 posts
Aug 23, 2007
6:03 AM
1354 posts
Aug 23, 2007
6:40 AM
We drink our well water here so I run the bird manure through the composter about 4 months before I spread it around.Don't want to pollute the well.
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
2440 posts
May 04, 2008
7:39 PM
This thread caught my attention, there is a local fertilizer outlet that offered to try out my pigeon droppings as fertilizer.

One of the owners asked me for 10 pounds to try on her plants. What I need to know is how to make fertilizer out of scrapped pigeon poo from my kit boxes, separation pens and breeder pens (which the droppings go mixed with the tray liners).

Do I mix the droppings with something? Is there a filler to add bulk? Some of the research I have done tells me that poultry and pigeon droppings have a high nitrogen content which I guess can burn plants.

How would I remedy this? What else do I not know about it? Thanks for the info posted above, but I am not getting it. HELP!
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge...argument is an exchange of ignorance". by unknown

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808 posts
May 04, 2008
8:29 PM
Hey rudyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy just dump it hommie on the plants.
550 posts
May 04, 2008
8:40 PM
I've had a backyard composter for years and the addition of pigeon droppings works great as long as I add plenty of carbon material such as dead leaves. Otherwise it really is Too Hot due to too much nitrogen content from the uric acid.
The Carbon/Nitrogen ratio should be about 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen (by weight). However, I just guess with mine. Too much carbon and the composting process slows way down. Too much nitrogen and the pile gets stinky.
If you don't have access to dried leaves then maybe wood shavings or sawdust or even straw could work as the carbon material.
Give it a try.

Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
2441 posts
May 04, 2008
8:48 PM
Hey Russ, wow, sounds easy enough. I use paper liners for the breeder pen trays, do you think that this would serve to act as some or all the carbon?

Do you have any knowledge on the compost tumblers? I see them available for several hundred dollars. Or do I just make a compost pile and then what???

Thanks for the help!
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge...argument is an exchange of ignorance". by unknown

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Last Edited by on May 04, 2008 8:49 PM
551 posts
May 04, 2008
9:03 PM
I put paper towels and napkins in mine and they break down just fine. No newspaper though. I think the ink may be toxic. You would need an awful lot of the liners to make up the proper carbon/nitrogen ratio.

Actually, I've had one of the tumbling composters on my wish list for a long
If you can get a good deal on one then get it. If you have a market for the compost it would pay for itself in no time.


Last Edited by on May 04, 2008 9:04 PM
2422 posts
May 04, 2008
9:42 PM
With 130 birds which I have,they produce over a ton of droppings a year.I have 4 of those round,black plastic composters working in my back yard and use every drop of compost created on my vege garden,flowers,fruit trees,pampas grass,allover.You should be able to by them at Home Dummie or if not there one of your local garden centres.The round ones are best.Start by putting like corn stalks or any kind of stalky material on the bottom 6 inches of the composter.This allows for some air to come up in the beginning of the process.Next put 4 to 6 inches of green matter such as grass clippings,waste from your garden,vege trimmings from the kitchen(EAT your VEGES!!!)and yeah dry or green leaves are good too.Then put a layer 4 inches or so of pigeon droppings,then put a 3 inch layer of clean topsoil from your garden or peat moss from the garden store.Now another layer of green stuff(even weeds work as they get hot enough in there to kill any seeds or roots)then droppings then soil(peat moss).Just keep going like that adding layer after layer.As it gets deeper in there,get a strong stick(I use an old boat shaft)and poke it right down to the bottom and work it round to make several holes in the workings and this allows for aeration.They work best when the temp is 45f or above so in the winter I try to keep it going but some of the droppings have to be stored until spring.Usually if you have enough material to use you can at least keep filling the composter then when it warms in the spring lift the composter off the pile and turn it over and start again as it may be a little wet.If you keep the shit covered with topsoil it won't stink much till you stir it up with the boat shaft then the ammonia will escape and yeah it stinks allright but geez,that's part of farming.Cover it up again with a little soil and put the lid on and it won't bother anyone unless they stick their head in there.You can shovel out black dirt full of earthworms from the bottom door(or lift the whole plastic composter off the pile and them move the pile where you want it)after about 3 months when the weather is warm enough and put it straight on the garden or if you want to spread it on the lawn it's better to spread it some where to dry a bit before putting on the lawn.The stuff is like black GOLD man!!Haven't you ever read about how in Europe and Great Britain they used to post armed gaurds on the dovecotes to stop people from stealing not just the birds for meat but also the droppings were a hot commodity when they never had chemical fertilisers.Chem fertilisers suck in my point of view.They force the ground and only work quick for a year and next year you need to buy and applly more.after 10 years or less of using chems the soil begins to become depleted and you need to use more and more because you are not adding the organic materials neccessary for building the soil. The chem companies love ya!!!Organic fertiliser is the way to go and pigeon manure is the way to get there when you have as many birds as you do.Any more Qs I'd be glad to answer if I can as I'm as passionate about growing things as I am about my birds.
Oh yeah,those tray liners better be straight paper no wax or they wont rot properly.Sometimes if the shit is too dry you may need to add some water.Better without the liners and just wash off the trays with bleach and water after scaping.I don't mean any offense but city farmers are to damn lazy and big time consumers that would use liners on the trays.C'mon,ehh.Be a country boy now and get yer hands dirty.It washes off easy.
Rum-30 Lofts

Last Edited by on May 04, 2008 9:54 PM
2435 posts
May 05, 2008
7:46 AM
Rum-30 Lofts
Snake Doctor
272 posts
May 05, 2008
10:40 AM
This site has several good compost tumbler plans.

I use the bird droppings in my worm bins after if has aged some. The worm casting are dynamite veggie fertilizer and no worry about burning the plants.
"Semper Fi"

Last Edited by on May 05, 2008 10:43 AM
635 posts
May 05, 2008
5:38 PM
Roy, dogs,birds,fowl,now worms, for fishing? Just what exactly do you do in your free time? ;-)

"Semper FI"
1693 posts
May 05, 2008
9:03 PM
You might try some diacotumeuos earth or potting soil? Mix it 70/30 dirt and poo? Wet it down a little and mix it up good, then areate it so it can breathe off the funk.... RollerGrow Potting Soil. Occasionally I do sprinkile some on the grass and water it in. Greens it up pretty nice.
The thing would be to grind it up somehow into a size that would run thru a spreader. If you did that and can control the volume spread you`d be ok.

I dug a hole between 2 of my kit boxes. Filled it with dropping,feathers, and dead nests. and other loft trash. Piled the dirt on top of it adn mixed it around. I then watered it in good to get the process started. Noticed a few weeeks later the pile had flatten drastically.I got my shovel,turned over a few turns and it was looking pretty good. The droppings were gone for the most part,feathers were a little decomposed,lots of worms doing thier wormy thing. I added some more of the loft trash to it and have kept doing so for 2 years now. Depending on the "heat" I want is how far down I dig.

I laid some sod in my yard last fall. I spread some of the "pigeon dirt" before I laid it. It looks good! Only thing is we have been under a drought for the last 18 months and I am having trouble getting my grass to grow. Just cant get enough water on it. Had storms move across tonight and they missed us again.

g/l T


Keep the best. Eat the rest.
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
2445 posts
May 06, 2008
5:34 AM
Thanks to everyone that contributed! My mother used to say I could even sell sh@t. I guess she was right! Thanks Mom! LOL
FLY ON! Tony Chavarria

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge...argument is an exchange of ignorance". by unknown

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Snake Doctor
273 posts
May 06, 2008
6:54 AM
LOL, Thom!
I don't do well with nothing to do, most of the stuff I enjoy doing involves other people so that counts as work!
I have the greatest job in the world!
"Semper Fi"

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