Roller Pigeons For Sale. $65 Young Birds and $100 Adult Seed Stock. Proven Line of Ruby Roller Pigeons. Bred From Proven Breeders
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donnie james

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25 posts
Mar 02, 2009
3:13 PM
got the video thnx man appreciate it.. only thing is i cant really hear it but thnx anyways..
581 posts
Mar 02, 2009
3:25 PM
Yeah donnie thanks i got my videos also no problem with the sound by the way you guys should make another dvd with the up to date stuff im sure it would be great and you could send me a copy of that also no but seriously thank about it if u have not already
jerry t
donnie james
280 posts
Mar 02, 2009
3:40 PM
hay guys no problem if can be any more help please give me a private email and we can work some thing out and jerry very sorry about the sound maybe next time the sound will be better.................donny james
2546 posts
Mar 02, 2009
6:06 PM
Thx Donny...............YOU..!! Owe me big time...!!!
I mean i owe u big
2585 posts
Mar 02, 2009
6:10 PM
---lol get it straight huh Rudyyyyyyyyyyy lol..
Hey Donnie is John Bender still messing with rollers.?-------
donnie james
281 posts
Mar 02, 2009
7:03 PM
hay ralph yeah john is still massing with rollers and he just moved on the west side of portsmouth a few months ago and the last time to him and hes doing really well..............donny james
2587 posts
Mar 02, 2009
7:18 PM
that is good to hear I like John B. is he with the same family he had back in the 90's....
how about you you living in Cal now right..
donnie james
284 posts
Mar 02, 2009
8:27 PM
hay ralph in feron utah thats about 2 hours southwest of salt lake city and i believe so john got the same family of birds.............the next i email i have ask him ...............donny james
donnie james
285 posts
Mar 03, 2009
12:13 PM
hay jnyce please give me a private email at i need you ask you a question .........donny james
586 posts
Mar 03, 2009
1:41 PM
Hey donnie i sent u an email
jerry t
donnie james
289 posts
Mar 03, 2009
8:32 PM
ok jnyce i got and i sent you one back.............donny james

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