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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > randy gibson??
randy gibson??

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Victor Hurtado
136 posts
Jun 27, 2009
3:07 PM
who flies his birds and how they working for u??? and also what do most his birds go back to?
Victor Hurtado
139 posts
Jun 28, 2009
10:36 AM
357 posts
Jun 28, 2009
2:36 PM
Try checking with Randy, Just a thought.
2271 posts
Jun 28, 2009
3:28 PM
Just my Opinion
114 posts
Jun 28, 2009
9:42 PM
Randy is one of the first roller guys I met and since then we visit each other several times a year. Randy is an excellent roller man with alot of knowledge. I am flying some of his birds, as well as a few other guys here in Vegas. I am happy with my Gibson birds, but right now they are only a small part of my program. One friend here in Vegas is doing very well with Randy's birds. He doesn't compete but he flies some very nice kits. If you get a bird directly from Randy it is what he says it is. He will tell you if it is good, great, or whatever it is. His birds go back to whatever he made them out of over the years. So when you ask what they go back to I can only say they go back to Randy Gibson's birds. Great guy that flies some very nice birds. If you end up with a friend like Randy you are lucky- but watch out for his practical jokes! Don M. Mac's Rollers LVRC NBRC QSDC
Victor Hurtado
140 posts
Jun 29, 2009
11:18 AM
ummm maybe i havent since i dont got that dude's number or any way of contacting him.. man 0221 and scott always talking shit man..
Victor Hurtado
141 posts
Jun 29, 2009
11:19 AM
macs u think i could get his number?
Pumpkin Man
120 posts
Jun 29, 2009
7:08 PM

I don't know Randy personally but I'll tell you something, he made the winning bid on the best futurity bird om the kit during the National Convention a few years back when it was in N.C. him and Cliff Ball kinda got in a bidding war over this bird and it was a great bird bred by Charlie Stack. And Randy kept going and finally got the winning bid at around $200 bucks everyone was ooohing and ahhing and then Mr. Gibson turns around and gives the bird to Cliff. I suppose out of appreciation for being a good host and opening up his place as a stop on the convention circuit. That impressed the heck out of me. So that told me all I needed to know about Randy Gibson. He loves the hobby, the sport and has fun with it. Real deal, fun loving good guy in my book and I don't even know him personally. That bird was a good one. Someone check with Cliff and see if he bred any good ones out of that bird it had the goods.
2274 posts
Jun 29, 2009
8:16 PM
He has done that several times, that is the kinda guy he is, a pure pleasure.
Just my Opinion
116 posts
Jun 29, 2009
8:48 PM
Victor, I'll check with Randy to see if it is OK to give out his number. Like Scott and Pumpkin mentioned, a great guy that loves and supports the hobby. Whenever he comes to Vegas he wants to go to all the fliers houses when possible, even the new fliers. He loves to share his knowledge and learn from all as well. Send me your personal email and I'll see if I can get Randy's number to you.
57 posts
Jun 29, 2009
10:50 PM
Victor, you seem to always ask the same questions over and over and over & etc.etc. Dude its getting old. Does anyone have his tel# ? . Well, it was offered to you but never took the time to get it. Is anyone flying Randys Birds ? . Well go out and see other peoples birds fly.

Paul Ramirez
1954 posts
Jun 30, 2009
6:20 PM
If it is the same Randy Gibson that lives in California, he is listed as a Master Flyer.Pumpkin man is right, Randy is as good as gold. He really floored me with the gift of that bird at the auction. I spent a bit of time talking with him at the convention this year. He, basically, created his family by crossing the Kiser-Borges family with the James Turner family, and has had good success with it...both being Pensom-based birds.

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