Around The Loft > 10 Tips To Help Prevent Disease In Your Loft

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3 Nov 2010

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Having once sold pigeon supplies, I have taken calls from fanciers all over the country

wanting to know what medicines to give sick pigeons. It always amazed me that so few of these seemed to take the time to research and learn about pigeon diseases and their causes. Curing a sick pigeon or a diseases outbreak can cost not just many dollars in cure but also the cost in lost birds.

There are several books on pigeon diseases and treatment available on the market, one that should be in every pigeon fancier’s library is written by Dr. David Marx, DVM called “A Veterinary Approach to Pigeon Health”.

But before you need the advice of such books, there is plenty that the roller fancier can do to prevent his birds from becoming sick:

  1. Keep loft clean
  2. Eliminate overcrowding
  3. Keep all loft dry
  4. Keep mice and other types of rodents away
  5. Sanitize all feeders with a thorough weekly cleaning
  6. Add ACV to drinking water 3 times a week
  7. Avoid stress – over breeding – crowding – insufficient food – dirty water – a perch for each bird
  8. Add nutritional supplements to diet (vitamins-minerals-probiotics)
  9. Worm twice a year
  10. Immediately remove and quarantine any birds that look under the weather

These tips will go a long way to keeping your pigeons less prone to disease and make the hobby of raising pigeons more enjoyable.

Tony Chavarria

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