ROLLER PIGEONS FOR SALE 417-935-4751 or text only 417-319-3453. USDA Certified Roller Pigeon Loft. Ruby strain of Birmingham Rollers only. Prices start at $25 and up. See real pictures of birds for sale. Order online or call. Accept credit and debit cards. Ship Nationwide. Classic colors and patterns include Checks, Bars, Grizzles, Recessive Reds, Baldheads, Tortishells, Almonds, Splashes, Badges, Opal, Dilues and more! Ship Weekly
Click For More Pigeon Articles > Frequent & Seldom Performing Birmingham Rollers & Breeder Selection

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As I review my birds and contemplate future breeding of pairs, I always consider the more frequent bird to be of higher value than the less frequent one. This frequency in performance is something I like to see passed on or maintained within my Ruby Roller family of Birmingham Rollers. 

I get excited when I see a roller pigeon that seems to enjoy the performance of rolling and has all the other 4 Primary Traits in strong measure. This is the one that your eye is naturally attracted to, he is rolling 20’ to 30’ in good style and heads quickly back to the kit to do it again in short order. This is the validation I need to have that I am selecting the right breeders that either maintain or improve the quality of my strain of Birmingham Rollers. 

By contrast the roller pigeon that does not roll often and is what many refer to as being “seldom” in its roll, is of less value. Regardless of the strain, a bird that does not roll often should be culled out of the kit box and certainly not used as a breeder when you have those that do demonstrate the roll in a proper manner. 

So just what is seldom? Well, many report that a roller that rolls at least once a minute is performing in a frequent manner sufficient to be regarded with high esteem by the owner. 

So let’s say for sake of comparison that a roller that performs once every two minutes is the opposite of the esteemed roller that’s rolling frequency is estimated to be once every minute. Those rollers are “stiff” and have minimal value in the kit and breeding program. 

Tip: When selecting breeders, put the most frequent rollers together (even if all you have are the more seldom rollers, put the most frequent ones together) Over time, you are attempting to bring out/enhance the desire to roll from your family provided it was ever there at all. 

Tip: Some roller families develop the roll later than some others which can be rolling after just a couple months. Be sure you know the development time frame for your family.  

Tip: When watching other kits, take note of the ones that seem to roll more often then the others. Time their performance and judge how frequent they are and then compare to your own. Are they less or more frequent? 

Observation of your kits and the individuals that are providing the most performance are the ones that should receive first consideration in your breeding program. This is especially true if you have started out with more than one family of Birmingham Rollers and the ones that you hoped would be your best are being bested by unexpected pairs from another family.


Tony Chavarria

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