ROLLER PIGEONS FOR SALE 417-935-4751 or text only 417-319-3453. USDA Certified Roller Pigeon Loft. Ruby strain of Birmingham Rollers only. Prices start at $25 and up. See real pictures of birds for sale. Order online or call. Accept credit and debit cards. Ship Nationwide. Classic colors and patterns include Checks, Bars, Grizzles, Recessive Reds, Baldheads, Tortishells, Almonds, Splashes, Badges, Opal, Dilues and more! Ship Weekly
Click For More Pigeon Articles > The Champion

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Versatile Rolling Ability


What is a champion? I will try to explain.

First, a champion is the greatest of all performers, a bird difficult to obtain but not beyond the reach of any fancier who cares to produce one. As a performer, its qualifications have no bounds. It can roll perfectly for any distance up to a maximum of about eight yards. It can regulate depth at-will, rolling one yard, two yards or more at its own pleasure, according to its mood and the circumstances under which it is flying.

It can tumble any number of times; it can perform as a "mad tumbler," spin, and "twizzle". Its ability as a flier leaves nothing to be desired. In a kit a champion can adjust its own performance to meet the requirements of the others. If they tumble, the champion tumbles. Such a bird does not have to be followed with the eye; he can be picked out at any time, and in comparison with him other Rollers are left at the post


W.H. Pensom 1945

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