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Click For More Pigeon Articles > Is Competition Destroying The Roller Hobbyist?

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Is Competition Destroying Roller Hobbyists?

Our human nature for fellowship and competition creates a drive to improve our management, breeding and training techniques; hopefully culminating in our participation in the annual events of the World Cup Fly and NBRC Fall Fly or at the very least the local fly clubs. Like most, I too am all for competition for a variety of reasons including striving to be number 1, doing my best, to be validated by the old “put-up or shut-up” flyers among us.

However, the desire to fit-in and compete often creates a condition that causes many to risk some of their best birds for an elusive trophy which attainment of same seems to be by sheer luck as much as preparation??? Competition in the roller hobby is generally a good thing, however, when it causes so many to risk their best pigeons to BOP (situation becoming worse, not better), how many birds is a fellow supposed to lose before he is sick and tired of the entire effort? Before he quits in frustration? Before he is given a pass on the pressure to fly competition if he is to have real rollers?

Tony Chavarria

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