7 posts
Aug 30, 2005
1:40 PM
can anyone tell me who to make your rollers fly longer
130 posts
Aug 30, 2005
3:20 PM
Feed um more, fly them earlier in the morning. Brian.
Site Moderator
351 posts
Aug 31, 2005
10:40 AM
Hey Michael, assuming you mean fly longer to mean flying 30 to 40 minutes, remove any that seem to not want to fly or fly very long, these early landers can bring down an entire kit way too early and pass on this bad habit to what might have otherwise been good kit birds.
Give them as much food as it takes to fly the time you are shooting for. Just track how much you give them each day until you have the level that has them flying the time you want. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
8 posts
Aug 31, 2005
11:21 AM
ok thanks