consett lofts
13 posts
Mar 12, 2006
7:05 AM
hi all some people put this idea forward that certain birds are kit masters, and they get your birds rolling more ? your thoughts ????????????
yours in sport and friendship
ROSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Edited by consett lofts on Mar 12, 2006 7:06 AM
359 posts
Mar 12, 2006
3:20 PM
Most people call them "Trigger Birds". There are certain birds in the kit that really get the other birds excited for whatever reason. If you really watch your kit you will always see 2 or three birds that will hit the roll a split second before the rest. Those are your trigger birds. There are birds that play different roles in the kit. If you really look at a kit of birds...and I mean really look at a kit of birds. You will see the different roles that the birds play. Each role either helps or hurts the kit as a team. You will have of course your trigger birds. You will have the birds that keep the kit flying slow..or birds that turn the kit too soon. You will have birds that keep switching places and pushing birds that are not tighter. You will have the birds that are not tight. You have the birds that will also turn the kit to get an out bird back in. That is why you have to look at evey aspect of a kit and find the birds that are hurting and the birds that are helping a kit. The longer the birds fly together...the more they are a team and learn there roll in a kit. Biggest mistake is changing birds all the time! Team work is built on familiarity and practice. Just like any have roll have your dribblers, your shooters, your rebounders, your post up players, you strong D-players. So just remember...if you have a basket ball team made up of pure post up players you will not do as good as the team that has it all. You may have a superstar...but you have to have the role players to help the super star. Look at the Lakers...Kobe Bryant is a super star...are they in first place....nope...because he is not surrounded by good roll players. Just like a kit of need your super stars surrounded by good roll players. A team of all trigger birds...will be a mess....the team with deep birds will not look as good as a team with all different depths.
It is true that you can disrupt a team by removing some of your trigger birds. I removed two birds to put in the stock loft. One was a cock that was the "Leader of the team" that did everything right...the hen was a very active, athletic, trigger bird. When I pulled them...the team looked like shit for about 2 weeks...they were lost...but like every team..they have to find there new rolls within the team. Then they start coming back together...same thing happens when you add new birds. They get all tweaked. Just relate your birds to any sporting team. They have to be a "Team". have to pull your "Best" rollers to make a team better. So...yes there are trigger birds in a kit and the rest I just added...LOL!! But always look at every aspect of a team of birds...look at what the kit is doing at all times and why they are doing it. That is why I hold a little tape recorder and talk into it while a kit is flying...I will say..kit turned to soon...inside Blue Check cut tail right side...keeps pulling the kit....or Black cock flying to fast...causing birds to hold up on the roll...or RR hen and Blue Bar white flight...really stimulate..possible trigger birds....or there is check hen....won't kit tight....wants to come down early...REMOVE FROM TEAM!!! Anyway...the point is...sometimes a kit full of superstars is not always the bet "team" of birds. Well rounded teams win the comps.
rock and ROLL
Swamp Fox
46 posts
Mar 13, 2006
4:48 AM
Great post, Paul. This really makes you look "inside" the kit, and will surely help to produce a very good team of birds in the long run.
consett lofts
16 posts
Mar 13, 2006
12:51 PM
your post will make me look at my kits in new light now, you realy know your stuff !!!!
yours in sport and friendship