329 posts
Apr 06, 2006
9:55 AM
C.J. You won't have to worry about Kestrals (Sparrow hawks). They feed on mice, lizards, frogs and insects. I suppose a starved rogue might try to score a pigeon, but I doubt it. They are very territorial and will harrass the hell our of Coopers so they are good to have around, ususally. YITS, Cliff
405 posts
Apr 06, 2006
10:29 AM
I have a pair of Red tails that live in a big oak tree about 5 houses down. Every year the show up about March and stary until about Novemeber..raise some babies and then they are gone. They keep the coopers away. Hawks are very territorial...but they are really jump when they have nest and are protecting young. I love red tails
rock and ROLL
87 posts
Apr 06, 2006
10:33 AM
my issue is them chasing the pigeons. This little hen they chased was terrified and I thought she was never going to come home. Every day they are chasing one or more of the birds. C.J.
79 posts
Apr 06, 2006
6:19 PM
Hi I live in southern Mi. I have a sparrow hawk that lives in my barn 60ft from my loft and kit boxes. He chases my pigeons around every now and then. He dive bomb's them when thet're sitting on the loft when he comes in to roast in the barn. He has never let me know when a coopers is around. I have had a redtail setting on a telephone pole with a coopers setting on wire a few feet away. Ihe redtails nest about 800 yds from my house have had them chase my pigeons on a few occasion. Sept. Oct get a lot of coopers. My dad live's about 20 mi. from me get hit year around by coopers.I didn't like the sparrow hawk chasing and diving at my pigeons daily. I have one eye and my depth perception is off and sometimes I mistake him for a coopers. About would give me a heart attact. He has left! ---------- Tapp