I've heard some guys mix milo in with the wheat they feed their kitbirds,or even some barley.What reaction will this cause in the flight of the roller?Is milo more of a filler or what?Another ???What is the ideal time for a kit to be flying?25-30-or 40 minutes?Mine only seem to want to fly about 20-25 minutes. Rock n Roll,--------- Kellinos
Santandercol, i use barley to slow down the wing beat and their time around hawk or falcon season. I do like using sraight wheat most of all i do mix it with 12% or 14% to give them there other nutrients, so they can perform at ther peak...... LATER......R-LUNA
Last Edited by GREED FOR SPEED LOFT on May 24, 2006 10:35 AM
I have always fed a mix of wheat and milo to kit birds. I don't feel wheat or milo alone is a complete enough diet. I have also thrown in the barley and found it made my birds very light and caused them to fly too high and long. It definitely slowed down their wing beat, made them look like they were floating.