3 posts
May 29, 2006
10:04 AM
I have 8 birds flying. 3 older hens and 5 youngsters, about 4 months old. Being feed 14% pigeon mix. Flown once a day. They fly too fast and they fly in a small circles. How do I tell which bird or birds are causing them to fly this pattern? How do I fix it?
Also, my young birds have not started to roll yet. Is this normal.
216 posts
May 29, 2006
10:24 AM
Lower the protein and they should fly slower. Also if you have corn in the mix try and eliminate it. When they are flying look for a bird cutting across the kit. If you find one that is probably your problem with the small circles. Kevin
74 posts
May 29, 2006
11:34 PM
hey Shia, your Hmong right. the pigeon flying like that is alright. just feed them them differently. the younger birds usually need more feed that the older birds cause they need the strength to fly and build up thier muscle to fly and perform well. feed the older birds a little less than the younger cause they dont really need that feed. if you feed the older birds too much than they will neglect flying and will stay on roof top.
Washington Cha
4 posts
May 30, 2006
3:19 AM
Kevin, thanks. I'll change and adjust my feed. I've been having a hard time picking out that bird. Would it be flying on the inside of the circle or the outside?
Washington, yes you are correct. I guess you're Hmong too. I'm from Stocton Ca. It's about 45 mins south of Sacramento.
9 posts
May 30, 2006
6:45 AM
sup you guys i was jsut wondering what feed should i use to make my birds fly little higher... cause my some of my birds are flying kinda low and will and hit the roof or is it jsut the birds, i got 5 out of the 10 that jsut hit the rest are doing a good 10-15 feet... rite not i'm using Wheat and Milo mixs, the feed is in different bags i jsut mix it myself.. i fly them once a day.
217 posts
May 30, 2006
7:31 AM
Shia, glad I could help. As a newbie dont be afraid to ask questions, and dont be afraid to try something new. Maybe I will stop by one day. I only live about 30 minutes from you. Kevin
218 posts
May 30, 2006
8:05 AM
To make the birds go higher and fly longer...the first thing to take a look is their weight. They need to thin down either by using milo or barley...cut the feed you currently feeding with either 50% milo or 50% wheat and probably with in a week or so you will start to see improvement. Thanks, -Rauf
5 posts
May 31, 2006
12:15 AM
Kevin, that would be cool. Then you could help point out which birds are good and which is bad. The only thing is I don't have many birds yet. That's why I've got five younsters with three hens.
226 posts
May 31, 2006
8:18 AM
Shia, my email is