10 posts
Jun 03, 2006
10:29 PM
hey how dose these Pedigree work...
and how dose this one work...
10 posts
Jun 05, 2006
10:01 AM
Hope this helps. The first or Jaconett strain is the pedigree for a Bronze Beard white flights (color & markings) Cock. His father was Blue Badge white flight, his mother red self. His grandfather on his father's side was a Dun with White flights.His grandmother on his father's side was Dun (color) with White flights.Note the yellow highlights. The grandmother was also the grandfather's daughter.The pedigree for the mother of the Bronze Beard goes back similarly but not the father daughter relationship.I like the way the author describes the depth 20'-30 x vel.That means rolls 20-30' with velocity.The second [pedigree is for a Black Check Bronze Badge (again color and marking) cock (SP)S Plona. His father was a Blue WW, his mother a Black check badge. His grandfather on his father's side was a Mealy Oddside.His grandmother was a Blue WW. His granfather on his mother's side was a Red check badge.His grandmother on his mother's side was a Red check badge 57-4477 also.And so and so on.The letters in ()'s is the breeder. Hope this helps. Airedale
Mount Airy Lofts
231 posts
Jun 05, 2006
9:47 PM
Falling... What exactly do you not understand? The second pedigree you mentioned was one I attached to my website. It is of a bird I am line breeding towards. Pedigree's are just a tool one breeder may use... Thor