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Is this laziness?

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44 posts
Jun 25, 2006
9:21 PM
I have a hen that has been sitting in a nestbox for a month now, but hasn't layed an egg, checked the hen and no eggs inside.. when ever it's time to fly and I flag them and all the birds fly out, but there is only one that doesn't, the others seem to be reproducing a lot, it is not injured or sick, and the male focuses only on her. But the hen still just sits all day and won't fly no more or even make me babies, she is about 1 1/2 years of age... is this laziness? I don't want to cull her because she was a bird that I bought for one trait I liked, velocity. (had everything else but a faster velocity than my kit and breeds).. how do I stop this?
Mount Airy Lofts
241 posts
Jun 26, 2006
4:51 AM
There is a difference between being infertle and barren. I think your hen is egg bounded. If not, it may be the heat or plain old moulting. When my breeders go thru the moult, their egg laying capabilities is little to nil.
Worst case scenerio, the hen is barren at age of 1 and a half. If so, that is some bad genetics...
My question is, why are you flagging your breeders to fly?
136 posts
Jun 26, 2006
6:11 AM
Hey Parlour,
I have a hen like that was in the breeder loft since February till May and never laid an egg.She's in my young racer loft now flying everyday and enjoying life.I'm not good at culling yet as my flock is small.But hey,if you are flying your breeders,you're taking the risk of loosing a mama or papa to preds or whatever.
46 posts
Jun 26, 2006
5:07 PM
thor, sometimes I let my breeders out to fly so that they don't lose the I want to roll instinct.. I'll tell you the truth, almost all of the times, I let my young kit fly with their parents, this tends to make them want to roll more.. I don't know why, maybe they feel as if protected when they mommy and daddy flies too, sometimes I even fly the whole loft, which is about 60 birds.. but funny how they seperate into 2 groups..
48 posts
Jun 26, 2006
5:10 PM
upcd, she has produce about 1 batchling but sadly one died to a falcon and the other one died of getting tangled in the trees.
49 posts
Jun 26, 2006
5:15 PM
santandercol, I know the risk but I feel protected by a flock of crows 800 ft away from my loft and the mocking birds on the powerline of my house, I am also confident that the doves haggin on my attena should also help me out a bit (not to be cruel or anything). so too me it ain't much of a chance I see a hawk around pretty soon, although sometimes I seem a few hawks and falcons eat up crows and some of the doves. Doves have over reproduced at about 30-40 on the roof and antenna.
60 posts
Jun 27, 2006
3:20 PM
well it's settled, I culled, I don't think she will give my bird long flyer genes..
13 posts
Jun 27, 2006
7:21 PM
one thing you could try if not to late is half of a human vitamin called Centrum. One half a day for up to a week. I have had to do this several times and had great success. Sometimes a hen isn't getting what she needs to produce an egg (theres more to it that just calcium)but still goes broody. Some birds just don't eat what they need to get the full package so to speak.

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