144 posts
Aug 28, 2006
1:06 AM
do feathermoult affect the look of the birds, or is it just me.... I mean I have a bird whose parents were in the moult when he was still an egg and now his looks are tremendously awful, I've never had young ones from the feather moult season, but with the new kit slowly disapearing I had to get this critter.. anyways the tail looks like it has been dragged on the ground and smashed by rocks, it is flying alright, but doesn't seem to be with the flock, rolling a depth of 5-6 foots. just curious if the feathermoult season is the season where rolldowns are usually created..
280 posts
Aug 28, 2006
6:14 AM
Parlour, Of course the birds look like crap during the moult period.Like they've been beaten up!Imagine how we would look if we lost our hair every summer!?LOL!!Some of my racers hardly want to fly right now.Feed some extra safflower to help them through.Give lots a baths with epsom salts and a tablespoon of bleach per five gallons.Suck that dust out of the loft and kitboxes with yer shopvac.Make sure you wear yer dustmask!!!Yeah,sure will be nice when they all have new clothes!! ---------- Kelly
52 posts
Aug 31, 2006
7:19 PM
Parlor, I've never really noticed any problems with young that were laid while the parents were in the moult. I have had young that hatched while the parents were in a heavy moult and they looked like they didn't get fed very well. Could have been the feed wasn't rich enough to handle the moult and squeeks at the same time.
77 posts
Sep 01, 2006
4:45 AM
916 I never like to pair up birds during the moult.The moult is hard enough on the adult birds as it is,let alone having youngster. And sure the moulting birds look like HELL,some look like they were dragged around on the ground. Feather all a muck, not a pretty sight.But, I would give them safflower or other GOOD oil seeds to HELP them thru the moult,if I were in your situation. Paul
Last Edited by Newflyer on Sep 01, 2006 4:46 AM