i was wondering how long should you wait until you pull the squeakers from the nest and start training. i usually wait until they are able to fly or is that to long
flyinghigh, I like to put my birds out on the landing board inside a wire cage starting at about 5 weeks old. The squeeks also learn how to trap into the kitbox when called for feeding. Two weeks of this training and then I let them out onto the landing board without the cage. The cage gives them a chance to learn the area while protected.
I am like katyroller. Got the wire cage to keep the hawks out and it allows them to look around. It also allows them to watch my teams come in and I rarily have to teach them to trap once they watched the kits do it a few times
Then I allow them to be on the top of the loft once I am sure they can fly with confidence. Then I go on from there. ---------- Snicker Rollers
Last Edited by nicksiders on Nov 11, 2006 7:54 PM