688 posts
Dec 02, 2006
2:50 PM
I have heard references in certain articles and posts about which perch a bird sits in the kit box. Ususally referrring to the character of the bird ie... weak,strong,average. I have so many young birds that I am just now beginning to figure out where they perch on a consistent basis. Any takers?
---------- If they don`t kit,they don`t score. Color don`t roll and peds don`t fly. It`s a comp thing,understand?
878 posts
Dec 02, 2006
3:26 PM
It appears to me that the more dominent birds perch on the top row. Does not mean they are the better performers. Just means they are physically and maybe mentally dominent over the other birds. Just my observations. ---------- Snicker Rollers
446 posts
Dec 02, 2006
3:43 PM
I like those top perch birds.The ones that like the top nestbox too!Been told to keep the layout of the perches in the kitbox the same or at least close to it from box to box,so if you move 'em around they have something familiar to fight for. ---------- Kelly
George Ruiz
132 posts
Dec 02, 2006
4:32 PM
From my obsevation of my birds the frequent birds are never on the top perches
I usually find my better performers in the middle or the bottom row
880 posts
Dec 02, 2006
5:21 PM
Same here George, but my trigger birds come from that top row. Leaders I would say and most generally cockbirds.
Nick ---------- Snicker Rollers
830 posts
Dec 02, 2006
6:10 PM
I don't use the perch position as a tool of any sorts and I agree that in a kit box of birds that are into the roll, the dominant, stronger character birds TEND to take the top spots. I don't believe the Best of a kit can always be found on the bottom row, but I believe the most frequent ones typically are on the lower perches. I get a positive feeling when I see a bird I know is a good one and shows it in the kit when they fly and resides on a top perch. To me that says something about the overall package of the bird. Brian.
881 posts
Dec 02, 2006
8:14 PM
I like my bullies that reside on the top row(LOL). ---------- Snicker Rollers
681 posts
Dec 02, 2006
9:40 PM
Hey Nick,,,,,the super chicken takes the top left corner perch...not matter what box I put him in...Man he was on fire today...He is one bad dude and always takes the top perch
rock and ROLL
690 posts
Dec 03, 2006
7:30 AM
Reason I was asking is,my kits are still young, and I am constantly looking for ways to shake them up a little and see who has what. I am thinking of switching the top row of the younger kit and the bottom row of the older kit, just to see what happens. Higgins once said about choosing kits from a bunch of yb`s; Let em all out and put the first 20 to land in the box. Or something to that affect. If the strongest birds are on the top and the frequent birds are on the bottom could be interesting or it could be a diasaster.
Paul, One of mine took a top spot when his eyes were still dark two days after I put him in the box.
V99 It`s a comp thing,understand If they don`t kit,they don`t score. Color don`t roll and peds don`t fly.
Last Edited by on Dec 03, 2006 7:32 AM