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Mosiac Crest

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129 posts
Dec 18, 2006
6:59 PM
This is a hen.She has bred 40 ft High velocity spinners,when mated to an Almond of mine.

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1105 posts
Dec 18, 2006
7:30 PM
Stan you can Bullshit these guys all you want , pull the crest off that bird and the cross is "still" obvious like the rest of these posted including your unique colors, FUBAR !!!!!

Scott Campbell
48 posts
Dec 18, 2006
8:37 PM
dude that bird looks like an experiment gone wrong what the f@!*. is that for reals is this that shit your merchandizing
star fire and then you wonder why people give you a hard time
maan i didt want to say anything but if i were serious about.
birmingham rollers i would first of all get rid of those radio active
131 posts
Dec 18, 2006
9:40 PM
Hey Scott:
Same old.Same old.You sound like broken record.Dont you get tired?I think we discussed this before.Or did I miss something?

132 posts
Dec 18, 2006
9:45 PM
Hey Centralvalley;
You said if you had these birds you would get rid of them.Too bad because you would be getting rid of your best birds.LOL
1109 posts
Dec 18, 2006
11:55 PM
Like I said Stan, Bullshit , that bird is a crossbred and you know it ,and if you don't know it , well then there is nothing more to talk about.
As for performance, that thing might roll as roll is easy to put into crosses , but it aint going to be pretty and it won't hold up, all of which is also obvious.

60 posts
Dec 19, 2006
8:23 AM
Man. That's a shame. What a way to waste $1.20 LOL

Nice bands.

62 posts
Dec 19, 2006
8:30 AM
its his $1.20

59 posts
Dec 19, 2006
8:40 AM
I like the crest, starfire there just mad because they don't have any.
1110 posts
Dec 19, 2006
8:53 AM
Crest ? hell, that thing has a hood.

2 posts
Dec 19, 2006
9:21 AM
Nice looking bird Starfire. I like it.
133 posts
Dec 19, 2006
10:41 AM
Hey Guys:
Hey guys.Lighten up.Iv'e been breeding this line for 26 years.I like the crest on them.and thats all that matters to me.They have a quality spin and they are 25- 40 ft.deep
What gives?Ive had 3 world fly judges here and not one of them said any thing about them.Do I have to show you proof again?Because I can.I can give you the phone #of two guys that started the Toronto club with in 1972.Do you want to phone them and,feel embarrased when they tell you they arn't crossed?I have never done anything but be truthful,when you asked questions.I didnt want to put up that scoresheet but you gave me no guys never quit.You'd think that you guys were the only ones that have decent birds.The great birmingham rollers.My family is more birmingham rollers than yours is,considering I've only been breeding this family for 39 years.How long have you been breeding your family?If you don't like them,what should it matter to me?You think your the only ones that look at this site?"There are none so blind as those that will not see". Lighten up guys,they are only pigeons.Why dont you guys write something interesting,and quit hashing the same old crap.And not such a negative tone.Iv'e got news for you guys=the pigeon world doesn't revolve around you.Other opinions are worth considering.Not your Fanatacle
views of everything.You think there is only one view of pigeons=yours.Give somebody else a little consideration.You can write all you want about me and my crests,=knock yourselves out.It don't bother me,they just wish you guys would shut up =like me.=and nobody else on here really cares!!

82 posts
Dec 19, 2006
10:59 AM
If you like youre birds and you are happy with them thats all that matters,You pay the feeding bills not anyone on here.People on here know it winds you up so they will do it more to annoy you lol.You are giving them ammunition to fire at you.Starfire post some pics on here with birds that aint got the crests and you will probly get positive feedback from them I know you have some.Not everyones bad on this site 99% of them would help you if the truth was known if it came to it .The thing is youre birds may be not everyones cup of tea on here but i bet you feel the same when you see thier birds ie probly mine lol.Starfire christmas is coming soon and i wish you all the best for the future.Like i said before anyone keeping birds for as long as you have i have the upmost respect.Also put youre birds in world cup either 2007 or 2008 because i know you had bad luck with the racoon maybe you will shut all of us up.Anyway good luck for the future Stan.
regards W@yne uk

Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 11:22 AM
135 posts
Dec 19, 2006
11:34 AM
Hi W@yne:
Thanks for the encouraging words. I know what they are doing .I like to spar with them It's psycological warfare.
Bring it on ,I can handle it.Have a good holiday ,and all the best for the new year.
61 posts
Dec 19, 2006
12:21 PM
Hey starfire what age do your birds come in to the roll?
141 posts
Dec 19, 2006
1:20 PM
Hi Belle:
I usually put my birds together in the middle.of Feb.
The youngsters go into the flycoops in May and the birds are rolling 25- 30ft usually by the end of July.Early August.
142 posts
Dec 19, 2006
1:25 PM
Hey Scott:You said quote:
that bird is a crossbred and you know it ,and if you don't know it , well then there is nothing more to talk about.
Can I count on that last part after well?
1113 posts
Dec 19, 2006
2:53 PM
You bet Stan ! it's well over my hip waders,if you have people buying it , go for it.

Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 2:56 PM
Hector Coya
51 posts
Dec 19, 2006
2:54 PM
Cross breed my ass,i told you guys ,i got my crest from 4 diferent breeders one of wich has won the F/F and at this point is in the top 5 in W/C,i cant say his name becouse i dosnt want anyone to know a crest came ot of his stock loft ,and i respect that.
but he broke up the pair so they wouldnt breed a crest again ,that was his first his hole life and he was going to Kull it,i was just at his house at the right time to get it/
Its a roller like any other from a verry respectable breeder.
Hector C
1114 posts
Dec 19, 2006
2:57 PM
Sure they are Hector , if there are color birds in the loft there's no telling where it's coming from.


Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 2:59 PM
962 posts
Dec 19, 2006
2:59 PM

Your crests and Stan's crests are not the same. We all know that crests do happen in the BR so don't take it personal my friend. Some suspect others may have "created" the crests in thier birds by breed crossings.

Hang in there,

Snicker Rollers
1115 posts
Dec 19, 2006
3:00 PM
Formed crests "don't" happen, but peaks can in some oddball families , big difference.
963 posts
Dec 19, 2006
3:08 PM
Scott, I agree, the crests I have seen amounted to a little tuff of feathers sticking up behind the head. Nothing like some that are being displayed here.

Snicker Rollers
Hector Coya
52 posts
Dec 19, 2006
3:13 PM
But if you mate a peek crest pair a few times you develop a better crest,its all what you want to do with it,you can mate a peek crest back to a regular bird not related and you will lose that peek. Hector C
120 posts
Dec 19, 2006
3:39 PM
Heck Stan I am curious which it is. 26 years or 39 years? As for the crested bird I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder and as long as you like it that is all that matters to me. I wouldnt own the mutt but that is my preferance and mine alone. Joe
1116 posts
Dec 19, 2006
3:51 PM
No Hector, otherwise there would be no such thing as breeds with peaks.
The one pictured above looks to have a hood, my guess is a Cupachine (sp) was used for the cross , but one thing I can garantee you ,is that bird is crossed and someone is either pulling your guys leg , doesn't know the difference, or is flat out trying to bullshit you guys , my guess is the latter.

Scott Campbell
61 posts
Dec 19, 2006
4:20 PM
Stan has a right to post pics of his pigeons. By the same right, those that view these threads, can make their comments. When those comments are unkind or blunt to the point that offend the person that has posted them, then thats just the way it goes. There are no boundaries here. It may seem cruel, but there isn't anything wrong with negative feedback. It's like saying, "Hey, want to see a picture of my grandkids?" Then a comment is made. "Gee, they sure are ugly little monsters for sure." Is it mean? Ya, probably, but the offer was made to view the photos. Personally, this pigeon is a horrible representation of a roller. The crest is a matter of personal preference. For myself, I think it looks silly. Also, it lacks the correct body, feather, beak, stance, and has an eye on it that screams unstable. It even has an expression I am unfamiliar with in the BR. Almost alien-like. Also, the crop on a lot of these photos is distended and engorged, as if they have been allowed to stuff grains for weeks. This pigeon looks down right horrible to me. That is my PERSONAL opinion. Stan likes em, so more power to him. Have fun Stan.


Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 4:23 PM
63 posts
Dec 19, 2006
5:33 PM
I believe any roller person who has had roller 30 or 40 years has had some born with some type of crest. I mysef have had 2 or 3 over the years. how ever i did not care for them and they were culled I dont think that stan had to cross his birds whit any other breed to get were he is at now, How many of you have seen crest on the wild street pigeon if you havent. i think you better get some glasses. just keep doing what yor doing stan . what ever floats your boat good luck. Stan what blood line are your birds


Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 5:36 PM
151 posts
Dec 19, 2006
6:00 PM
Hi Joe:
Ive had my family for 39 years.Iv'e been breeding the crests for 26 years.Clear now?Thats why some have a good crest.They started with one lavender self with a curl on the back of the head.
152 posts
Dec 19, 2006
6:09 PM
-Hi Rollerman;
My family was started with pure Pensom Birmingham rollers.And iv'e kept them that way.
1121 posts
Dec 19, 2006
6:55 PM
That Pensom blood sure is a lot different in your neck of the woods , I have seen much of the best in this country and even in yours , you aren't not even close.
Stan I don't give a rats ass what you do or what you want to feed in your backyard, but the fact is I think that you are , well lets just use the word dishonest.

Scott Campbell

Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 8:17 PM
966 posts
Dec 19, 2006
7:55 PM

You gotta get over your shyness and just say how you really feel(LOL)
Snicker Rollers

Last Edited by on Dec 19, 2006 7:56 PM
254 posts
Dec 20, 2006
6:45 PM
This is the closest thing to a mosaic I've ever produced. It was moulting when the pic was taken and a hawk killed it

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before I got to see the adult plumage.

Last Edited by on Dec 20, 2006 6:47 PM
George Ruiz
146 posts
Dec 20, 2006
6:49 PM
the crest pictured here is a strait Mongrel my freinds

I dont care what anyone wants to call it

look at the neck eyes body beak and head it ozzes Mongrel

Last Edited by on Dec 20, 2006 6:50 PM
256 posts
Dec 20, 2006
6:57 PM
George, I know it sure doesn't look like mine! lol

51 posts
Dec 20, 2006
7:29 PM
dude your added again with that bull.maan why would you have people belive that those birds are pensoms. cause if i were pensom i would defenitely be turning in my far as the stories you have said your pure!!!!!!!!!!!!pensoms started with a pair of pure red checks.correct me if im wrong but then
where the hell did all those fu@*-up colors came from?
the only reason you want people to belive you is so you could peddle this birds as pensoms.lets just tell stop calling them pensoms or for that fact birmingham you remember that saying of what a birmingham roller is. p.s. pensom has been gone from this hobby for 4 decades so they infact are not
pensoms but stans mongrels.they are and will for ever be stans
crested and not pensoms.thats the real name of this bio-hazard materials you call rollers they are infact your creation why
do you think chan got rid his he knew better than to contenue
with those so call crested rollers because thats what they are.crested rollers not birmingham rollers get that through
your thick skull my old fart not birmingham rollers.
now as for rollers their are many breeds that do roll and roll good but no matter the stories and backgrounds behind the screen they are not, will not, and have never been pure birmingham rollers.just stop this crazy dream of revolutionizing the b.r. industry with your creations its not working.

Last Edited by on Dec 20, 2006 7:30 PM
171 posts
Dec 20, 2006
8:04 PM
Hey Central Valley:
Take a pill.They are only pigeons.Don't get yourself all upset.What you write don't bother me.I dont care.Your Funny.Are you sure you got everything off your mind?Don't be shy now.LOL
George Ruiz
150 posts
Dec 20, 2006
9:28 PM
What do you guys think is my hen in the same league as Stans Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
172 posts
Dec 20, 2006
9:43 PM
Hey George:
What would you call that,A blue gizzle?Looks REAL nice.I like the orange Eyed birds.Mine are almost all Orange eyed.
987 posts
Dec 20, 2006
9:44 PM
Damn! Looks like one of those Birmingham Rollers! What the hell are you showing it here for?(LOL)

Snicker Rollers

Last Edited by on Dec 20, 2006 9:45 PM

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