1013 posts
Jan 02, 2007
10:33 PM
It's kinda hard to describe in a forum. It largely something you will have to learn over time and by someone pointing the different situations out to you. Loft birds and stock birds are easier as they are typically pretty regular with what their droppings look like. Kit birds on the other hand go through all kinds of phases because of the type of management they are under. The intense green, slimy droppings that look like a green ink stain when they start to dry up are usually the sign of stress. You will see that from a kit that has been flown hard then not fed for a day. Or even if you were to box up some birds and travel some place, by the end of the day some will have that kind of a dropping because of the stress they are under. Most droppings where there is something wrong usually have some kind of odor to them. Overall wet, runny diarreha type droppings are not good. It can be something simple or something on the verge of becoming deadly to the bird. Ideally a healthy bird's dropping will be solid and sort of round with a little white swirl at the top of it. The white is their urine. This is why it is good to have crap trays in your kit boxes. Most birds perch in the same places and you can easily identify an area with odd looking droppings and then easily identify the bird or birds which are doing it. Again, it is hard to say "this is what XYZ droppings look like" over the web. There is a book that I've seen at Jedds that was a clinical diagnosis book which showed various types of droppings and what the causes and treatments are. I'll have to see if I can find found what the name of it was. Brian.