Nick , it can make the all the difference in the world, the wrong birds out frot determine what is or isn't going on in the back, get some strong stiffs leading and keeping the team on one wing and you will have a stiff kit, remove such birds and is like taking the shackles off.
Hi Nick, Within every kit you have a leader. Have you ever wondered why when you first get a full round of 20 youngsters they fly so slow and don't know which direction to go left or right and than as they fly with one another several times they settle in and establish thier positions within the team in which they are flying. This is why once you have established a good flying pattern with a team its best just to leave them be they will develop faster The kits that our well established have trigger birds within the kit and it usually will start at the front of the kit. This is your kit master and leader.The late Bob Brown when stocking future stock would only stock those that rolled from the front of the kit. The consensus is if you compiled all those birds that roll from the front of the kit you will have better consistency and larger breaks as a complete kit. Beware however of the young bird that flys at the front of the kit and disquises them selves thier often times they are up front when they are young because they are avoiding the roll impulse and thats why thier upfront.Nick if you are wanting to find who that kit leader and trigger bird might be just fly several mini kits of 5 and compile only those that are showing you the correct roll within the mini kit of 5 and put them all together as a kit. This takes sometime but it also gives you the ability to seperate the chaff from the wheat at the sametime. When they are compiled together you will have established a good nucleus in which to work with and have more consistent breaks that are larger and the trigger bird will reveal itself to you as the chemistry becomes more apparent. In my judging assignments It totally blows me away as to how many flyers can't tell you who thier front line flyers are or what position each bird is flying in the kit. The top flyers always know where the birds are within the kit right down to the last bird and thats why thier on top. Thats another subject in its own so I'll leave that for another time. Good luck and I hope this can help in some way. Ivan