Double R
5 posts
Feb 26, 2007
7:12 AM
Hey Guys, I was just wondering whats the differince between a mottled roller and a grizzle roller??? Newbie just asking questions....
Jerry did I get your E-mail address right?
YITS... Robby
Last Edited by on Feb 26, 2007 7:14 AM
1219 posts
Feb 26, 2007
10:24 AM
One has feathers that is interspersed with white and colored, the other has whole white feathers. Grizzle is usually classic grizzle or undergrizzle. Mottle is either the estranged white that occurs with recessive red, or tiger grizzle which renders whole white feathers. Undergrizzle on spread will most often turn to solid color or white.
235 posts
Feb 26, 2007
10:35 AM
Hey BMC,
I have a lavender(ash red spread) hen that was all white with very light lavender ticking before the molt.Now she looks like a ash red spread self,no sign of grizzle. Would that be considered under-gizzle ? ---------- Ron
1220 posts
Feb 26, 2007
10:39 AM
Undergrizzle with spread are generally pepper heads, those spread birds with some white flecks or ticking around the head and neck.
236 posts
Feb 26, 2007
10:47 AM
Brian, The bird in question is the one in the nest.All white befrore the molt. Out of ash red cock x black mottle hen.
 ---------- Ron
1221 posts
Feb 26, 2007
10:56 AM
That looks to be nothing more than a classic spread ash red (aka. lavender). Grizzle with spread ash red are nearly white as adults. I have one at home in the kit box that if I get around to to it I'll take a picture of it.
Double R
6 posts
Feb 26, 2007
12:25 PM
Thanks BMC, If you don't ask you'll never know!!! YITS....Robby
948 posts
Feb 26, 2007
4:03 PM
Brian, So if they look like that and have a bar they are ash bars? ---------- V99 Good spinners don`t always make good breeders.
1225 posts
Feb 26, 2007
4:22 PM
Kenny, some spread ash reds that look like that one in the bowl will still show some sign of a faint red bar pattern, if it is bar underneath and het for spread. A person just has to get used to knowing the visible difference between a faint bar and a non-spread bar.
950 posts
Feb 26, 2007
4:36 PM
Briam. Its pretty strong bar. Sometimes I have to look twice to make sure. I have three red bars of various factors ie smoky/sooty, ash and regular old redbar. ty ---------- V99 Good spinners don`t always make good breeders.