43 posts
Apr 25, 2007
6:07 PM
Just wondering if Im missing something here. I have been out of the hobby since 2000. Im looking at the world cup scores come in on there web page. I see that #2 South Africa Region 3 has 2 qualifiers. I also see that they have 17 DNF kits on there list. All these kits are # 2 kits that where not flown. Is this normal to get extra qualifiers or did they have bad weather or something like that so these kits where not able to be flown ?
Flyin Hawaiian
167 posts
Apr 25, 2007
6:19 PM
Ray, This should answer your question below. Ivan K Hanchett Assistant W/C Coordinator
By-Laws of the World Cup Roller Fly
(adopted Fall 1995, revised November 2006)
I. A region must enter a minimum of 15 paid kits to qualify as an independent entity. At the discretion of the particular region, a flyer may enter a maximum of 2 kits composed of completely different birds as long as other flyers are not disadvantaged by the schedule. Each flyer is allowed to pay and fly 2 kits but each flyer must fly at least one kit out of the 2 entered. If a flyer has paid for a kit or kits but due to circumstances is unable to fly he must notify the judge as to the reason, or his paid kit or kits cannot be used for the number of kits for a fly-off representative. Each region must fly a minimum of 50 percent of the kits entered for each fly-off representative, (an example is: 8 flyers paying for 2 kits each equals 16 kits which equal one fly-off representative, 15 flyers paying 2 kits equals 2 fly-off representatives, etc.) no region may pay for any ghost flyers, and each region must turn in a fly report for that region signed by the judge to the GC prior to their finals, in order to maintain the integrity of the WC on this issue. The only variance to the minimum of one kit flown for two kits paid by each flyer shall be for the new and or the smaller regions which cannot meet the required number of kits required for the first qualifier so that we can promote growth, with the approval of the GC these regions must have a minimum of 6 actual flyers entering 12 kits and buying 3 kits for a maximum of 2 years, any regions not obeying this shall face possible expulsion from future flys. One fly-off representative is granted for the first 15 kits entered plus another for additional 15 kits up to a maximum of 5 total. The Regional Director also gets one World Cup Committee vote for each fly-off representative and may distribute the votes as he wishes. This policy encourages growth of a region until it becomes so large that it should split.
44 posts
Apr 25, 2007
6:35 PM
Thank you Ivan, I can see that this has been thought out well. I think I need to go and read all the fine print on the world cup web sight so that I can be up to date with what's going on with all the rules and polices.
918 posts
Apr 25, 2007
6:36 PM
Lots of issues arise when you enter 2 kits...I turned in my money back in March....and at the time...I had 19 in the A-team...and 18 in the B-team.....well....from the time I paid and the time I A-team had dropped to 16 birds and the B-team was 18 birds...and three of those were 07 a lot can happen...I know that there was one of our fliers that could not fly at all...because he lost his last bird to a hawk...4 days before the fly and dropped him to 17.....So that is one thing that can go wrong....
the other thing that can go wrong is that you can have bad weather or you just lose total faith in your B-team and it is not worth the judges time to fly the team. I almost said forget it with my B-team...but they were so unpredicatable...that I thought they would get lucky and put up an ok score....but I WAS WRONG> a couple of examples.
rock and ROLL
1617 posts
Apr 25, 2007
8:17 PM
Are you Ray Fisher?
Nick ---------- Snicker Rollers
45 posts
Apr 25, 2007
8:24 PM
Yes Nick
Last Edited by on Apr 25, 2007 8:25 PM