ROLLER PIGEONS FOR SALE 417-935-4751 or text only 417-319-3453. USDA Certified Roller Pigeon Loft. Ruby strain of Birmingham Rollers only. Prices start at $25 and up. See real pictures of birds for sale. Order online or call. Accept credit and debit cards. Ship Nationwide. Classic colors and patterns include Checks, Bars, Grizzles, Recessive Reds, Baldheads, Tortishells, Almonds, Splashes, Badges, Opal, Dilues and more! Ship Weekly
What should the dims be on a single kit box? With only one door and trap I am fixing to build my first one. Any ideas would probably be used as I have never built one before!
Tripp, Hey,so cool you're in man.Good to see another Roller Nut joining the ranks!!Go to page 2 on the forum here and look at my latest kitbox under WC fly Gabriola.You'll see I only have about 60- 1/2 inch holes drilled in the front to let light in.The little door into the flypen as well,wire floors let some in.Look back into the pages and you'll find all kinds of pics of kitboxes.Have a riot!! YITS, Kel.
Last Edited by on May 09, 2007 6:59 PM
Look back on the last 4 or 5 pages and you will see a few to get ideas from. Anywhere from 3x3x3 to 4x4x4, or any variation will work. Mine are 3x4x4 but next time I will probably go with the 4x4x4. I have box perches now and wiull probably go with the v-perches with the extra room! Don't use 1/2" x 1/2" rabbit wire for the floor either. Poop gathers to bad. Use something a little larger. There is some good pics back in the archives to get ideas. I wished that I had! Look at the ways to mount your waterers and whether you want to use traps or pvc 45s. Lots of options to choose from. Good luck!
Don't hesitate to ask questions! There are some sharp marbles here that will help you! LOL
us bros n our gangster sunglass to keep the suns out of our eyes... (left to right)teng, meng, leng me n the top right, middle peng, n my older brother lue n rocky he's a thief killer
meng and peng holding their favorite birds a pepper head hen and a dankraker bald cock
this breeding season was bad for me i've only eight 07's youngsters made it well u only c seven one came a week lateR
this is a single kitbox not sure of the dimension i've rebuilt it this year this probably be the smallest kitbox you'll ever see it has 20 home made triangle perches which holds 20 birds but i usually keeps it under 15 cuz its so u c i only have about a few birds just for now also some of my 07's youngsters enjoy...hope this helps late'R
Last Edited by on May 09, 2007 8:29 PM
Spade drain I think yer pigeons look mighty safe lol, You guys look part of the mafia lol shades look cool guys. You guys look like you are enjoying yer pigeons and that's what its all about. You need a few more birds in there guys good luck Regards W@YNE UK ---------- Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
That first picture is a cool shot.....the sunglasses(LMAO). Gotta use more imagination with the names, man(LOL). Please don't tell me the last names of everybody is Vang.(LOL)
Great pictures, especially the one with you and the boys. Get some glasses for the dog and the handler and retake the shot.......enlarge it; frame it; sell it on Ebay. I'll bid on it(LOL).
Tripp, I know you do not have many birds yet, but you might want to think about building a double kit box. It will not cost that much more in materials and will give you a little room to grow and seperate birds as needed. It does not take long to have a full kit box with the great guys in this hobby that are usaully more than willing to help you start out. I built mine 6 feet wide and put a divider down the middle, and made 2 doors. I started last year and now need to build another double kit box. A little future planing may not hurt in a hobby that is easy to get addicted to. Chad
Thanks Chad will consider that the only thing I have against that is I have a small yard only about a half acre and I have a 6 x 8 loft already so that is why I was leaning toward the single
Hey Tripp, By now the dimenisions have become clear or boggled your mind. I am going to talk briefly about building materials. I am going to build a kitbox this year for next years young. I plan on using a material that is designed for cermic tile. It is called hardiebacker board and comes in 3x3x5' sheets 1/2 inch thick . It is almost impervious to water on its own, and sells for 10$ at Lowes. I am going to build my kitbox 3'high x 3'deep x 5' long. 45 square ft. with less wasted perch space. I'm going to paint my box with Epoxy paint inside and out, totaly impervious to water! Even with the cost of paint it is still cheaper then using ply-wood and will last a life time! There are however a few tips you need to know. Use a box knife or utility knife to score both sides and then snap it just like drywall or gypsim board. Need a hole or cut out? Use a chisel, cut around your outline and then remove the material one layer at a time until through. One other consideration, build in place or have a football team on standby! Thom
Scott is right about making sure you can reach all the birds. Because of my big fat belly and having 4 X 4 boxes it is difficult for me to reach top rear perches without nearly laying out in box. Because of this I have to keep a nearby net and it spooks all of them when I use it.
Good point, Scott.
Nick ---------- Snicker Rollers
Last Edited by on May 10, 2007 5:20 PM
Ray, I've seen some nice kitboxes but yours wins the blue ribbon. I will base my next one off of yours,I would like to see a little more detail on your watering system. That is gonna be my biggest problem with my kitbox as it gets hotter. Nice job!
Yeah Ray nice detail on the kitbox.Wish you were close to me so i could buy 1 off you.I just don't have the time or skill to build one(or patience for that matter).
Ok you have talked me into to it. A double kit box it is I hope mine turns out as nice as the one in the video. Well I called dmitch yesterday and he is going to bring me a few breeders that he has. He said he is making room for new birds and said he was comming through Memphis and that he would drop them off to me so Thanks alot Dewayne! Thanks for all the great Ideas for the kit box and I assure you I will build a double...
Val, The watering system has two automatic waterers in the back. So the center box has two holes to drink from. I mounted a Y valve on the back of the box, screwed the two watering hoses to that and a garden hose to the Y. I clean them out once a week. Real simple. Some of the birds have figured out how to climb through the waterers and get in the other kit boxes so I will need to make adjustments there.
Ray, Yeah no kidding how they can get through holes,eh!?What the ----?I had a bird yesterday get through into the next box in a double,,,no holes anywhere,no way to get through.A mealy.Dang,friggin magic.Might be something to do with the over 40 syndrome the last 9 years. . ---------- Kelly