spinner jim
101 posts
May 18, 2007
2:05 PM
Hey guys,i seem to have a lot of single hatched eggs this season, i know you get them occasionally but this year i have more singles than doubles,i do check them for filling and fertilisation before letting them sit ,the only thing different this year is the bedding ,i opted for tobacco stalks ,i have never tried these before would they have made any difference??,also my birds wont touch pop-corn this year so i have cut it from the breed mix which i try to make as varied as possible,any ideas guys Jim uk.
1391 posts
May 18, 2007
2:25 PM
Jim, I use tobacco stems for nesting material and haven't noticed any negative effects from it, primarily in the hatching of eggs. It could be your birds are spending more time in the courtship and preening of one another and less time getting their groove on. If both were fertile, yet one only has been hatching, it could be your birds are using excess nesting material and end up making one of those big stick mounds which makes the eggs sort of stack on top of one another. I routinely go through and break up nests where the pairs have picked and even stole every stick in the loft to avoid this kind of thing. It might be something to look into. Also, if your birds aren't eating much corn, it is usually because the weather is warm enough they don't need corn. Traditionally my breeders have always left the corn as the last seed in the trays.
425 posts
May 18, 2007
2:26 PM
Jim how yer doing fella? You answered the question yourself really. If you are doing ok using nest felts and straw one year then keep with it. Tobacco stalks are supposed to have benefits by using this bedding in eliminating mites etc but i just use straw cut up into 4 inch lengths with good results. Maize ? You will always get your breeders leaving this seed until last but they will eat it if hungry enough. I tend to stay with the breeders mix without maize i find less wastage in this mix. Back to eggs being filled. Was the eggs full but went cold or was these eggs haggled from day 1? Regards W@yne uk ---------- Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
spinner jim
102 posts
May 18, 2007
3:36 PM
Wayne, the stalks kept the red mite down i have not had any mite at all, the eggs seem all right right up to hatching and then fail ??, queer ent it, the rain is gone now but high winds are here now lol, some of the birds do stock pile the stalks too high i will try and thin it out a bit,thanks for the advise will act on it guys,jim uk.
207 posts
May 18, 2007
6:10 PM
I have the same problem here. I would say about 50% is just one bird, and I also use tobacco stalks. I thought it might be the cock birds fault?? Then the next time she will have 2 and someone else will only have one. ???? Got me on this one.
Jim @thebirdhouse
956 posts
May 18, 2007
11:25 PM
My first two rounds were like that...but the third round has every egg fertile and they are hatching doubles...I kind of blame it on the colder weather and the cocks not all the way up in the "MOJO" earlier in the season...but they are cocked and ready now.
rock and ROLL
426 posts
May 19, 2007
1:52 AM
Jim The weather has been blowing like mad up here also. It does really piss you off the 1 egg hatching thing. I hate a pr of pigeons raising 1 squab such a waste of a nest bowl. I tend to wait a week or so for the parents get rid of some of the milk into the youngster so they don't get sour crop then if i can i will switch these young and put the single squab into a nest that's also got a single squab of the same size. I mark this Young's foot with permanent marker so i don't loose records keeping an eye so the marker doesnt wear off. You know the score anyway. Jim you've had um long enough lol Regards W@yne uk ---------- Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
182 posts
May 19, 2007
4:01 PM
I use hay for bedding and I am having the same thing happen to me