ROLLER PIGEONS FOR SALE 417-935-4751 or text only 417-319-3453. USDA Certified Roller Pigeon Loft. Ruby strain of Birmingham Rollers only. Prices start at $25 and up. See real pictures of birds for sale. Order online or call. Accept credit and debit cards. Ship Nationwide. Classic colors and patterns include Checks, Bars, Grizzles, Recessive Reds, Baldheads, Tortishells, Almonds, Splashes, Badges, Opal, Dilues and more! Ship Weekly
Hi Guys does anyone have pics of there guard dog or wanna bee guard dog ??? That protect your birds from the two legged
Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2007 2:55 AM
This is my "guard dog" Belle she will let you take the birds but if you try to touch me, well you can't run fast enough to get away LOL. ---------- Justin
Last Edited by on Aug 16, 2007 8:18 PM
This is Leo. He is a German Shepherd of Police dog lines. His sire is a SWAT dog but he protects my family and my Rollers from two legged predators, the worst kind!
---------- Alan
Last Edited by on Aug 16, 2007 8:58 PM
RRRRRRUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Little bit of resemblance there I gotta say LOL!!Que chevere hombre.LOL LOL LOL.Yer a good guy for making us laugh and getting us going for true!!---------- Kelly
Good pics all! Alan & Jerry I got to tell you I hve a real soft spot for the sheperds.I have "been owned" by several. Would like to get another if I can sneek it past the MRS. ---------- Ron Borderline lofts
Belle , that is one fine looking English Pointer. Is she pointing the camera ? lol. I see she is wearing a training collar. How is she coming along. I've been a Quail hunter since 1952. Good luck wiith her. DB. A little off topic for the most of you , but just had to pass on that compliment- she just looks too good.
No she's not pointing at the cam if you look at her eyes you can see that she is looking to the right. I don't hunt her I should she is a real good English setter I am bringing her to Disney next week.
Ron, I dont think she would notice 1 bit..You may have to get some red/white paint to make it match your others..LOL
I am headed to Kentucky tuesday to buy another shepherd..A Dutch Shepherd..A little different than the german shepherd, with more drive and fight, but with the same loyalty as the german. It will be another police dog in training.
As a whole the Dutch Shepherd and the Belgian Malinois make better Police Dogs but if you get a real good line of German Shepherds they still can't be beat. Problem is people have watered down the German Shepherd breed by improper breeding and now a few other breeds are coming into favor. But give them time, they'll ruin those breeds as well by breeding for show or a lack of proper selective breeding.
I also love the Malinois but my line of German Shepherds are almost Mals in GSD bodies, which is how the GSD should be, not these big lazy American versions which have almost destroyed the breed. ---------- Alan
His teeth are a little wore off now because his "fetch stick" is a six foot long 4 x 4. He'd carry it around all day long if I let him. He has chewed many of them all the way through. ---------- Alan
Alan, I agree, as far as the German Shepherd Dog in the states are concerned, they have taken on more of a show type. We had the old German lines when I was a kid, and they were a fearce dog..I have also trained with alot of the German lines with other departments and they are like you stated, as bad as any Mal. or Dutch.
The Dutch I am going to Kentucy to pick up comes from a long line of Import working lines. The same guy breeds nothing but police working dogs, and also has a few Mals that I will be testing also. I have my mind on the Dutch, but wont commit until I have seen them on the agility course, tracking course, and full bite suit, then I will pick the best one.
My Shepherd I am currently working with is on a hard sleeve, and loves to search for dope..she is young, but has a nice start..She will be the one I use for school locker searches and siminars for the school kids. ----------
Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
Last Edited by on Aug 18, 2007 4:55 PM
She is Aussie Shepherd/Blue Heeler. Probably smarter than my kids and damn sure minds better. She is in charge of, putting the feed cups back into the feed bins,getting the birds out of the boxes and off of the ground.If she could put the seed into the cup she would probably feed the birds.
Being a herd dog she is really good with the birds and has an inate sense of where they should and should not be.She pinned a bird by the tail the other day when I was trying to catch the little Houdini and held it til my daughter took it from her. Great dog. ---------- V99 Flippin`The Bird!
Last Edited by on Aug 18, 2007 7:33 PM
Correct.. and not only breeding for show has hurt them but for size. Everytime I hear someone brag about their 150 lb German Shepherd it makes me wanna gag.
My dogs are a cross of Czech and West German lines.
You guys make me want to get another dog. I have just had two die on me. One had cancer, the other had a stroke. If I could get one like Ray Fisher's I would not hesitate and I would name him Randy, too(LOL). ---------- Nick
Hey All, This is my 140 lb. slobering, hairy hunk of burning guard dog. She loves the birds and helps me with my daily cleaning chores. I have no fear for my young when Freya is on duty!
GREAT photo of your fence Rudy....... Love the way your small dog is in the photo. Im sure this is what happens to people when they try to get into your yard.. HARMLESS LITTLE DOG...LMAO
That clip was funny lmao it must be my sence of humour lol I want a rabbit like that to give the wifes mother as a present for her birthday lol ---------- Regards W@yne UK