Next week is the NBRC Convention (9/20 thru 9/22) Make sure you have all your travel arrangements made and your hotel set up. Do it now.
This will be my first Convention; it may be my last. I am excited in argueing face to face with Scott and putting up with color breeders that seem to squirm around in the background of a lot of rollers in that area of the country. I hope they will bring me around to the back of thier barns to show me the secret "projects" they got going on. They are trying to improve the Birmingham Roller(LOL). Can ya believe that?
Hey, who is going to be the Convention; raise your hand if you're going.
Nick, thought your job was to limit senseless conflict rather than foment it? No surprise really-all for the good of the hobby right. Or do you have another purpose? Geo.
Last Edited by on Sep 13, 2007 4:31 AM
Nick, I'm going to the convention. I wouldn't miss it. The way you talk you sound like some of the guys back in the old days that said dual purpose rollers (show vs performance)would ruin the birmingham roller. It didn't. In my opinion there are men flying better rollers than ever. And the show guys have their roller (show roller) notice it doesn't say show birmingham roller. And it seems like someone said a long time ago that competition in performance rollers would also ruin the birmingham roller. The jury is still out on that one but I don't think it has. It has just changed it a little. I think there are still men out there that breed and raise birmingham rollers that breed for the individual performance not kit performance and likewise there are men who breed strictily for kit performance. I don't think these men had any intentions other than improving their birmingham rollers. Now you notice I haven't mentioned the word color once. I will keep it that way. Looking forward to meeting you at the convention.
QUOTE: "Next week is the NBRC Convention (9/20 thru 9/22) Make sure you have all your travel arrangements made and your hotel set up. Do it now. This will be my first Convention; it may be my last. I am excited in argueing face to face with Scott and putting up with color breeders that seem to squirm around in the background of a lot of rollers in that area of the country. I hope they will bring me around to the back of thier barns to show me the secret "projects" they got going on. They are trying to improve the Birmingham Roller(LOL). Can ya believe that?"
Hey, who is going to be the Convention; raise your hand if you're going.
Nick ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
Nick, wouldn't you have more fun if you checked the attitude at the door? I'm sure that there's plenty of guys in that area that don't fit your stereotype. Why not leave the baggage at home and try and appreciate the fact that you will be spending time with bird guys? My .02
Last Edited by on Sep 13, 2007 5:18 PM
For the record: I am not a "Moderator" on this site. My tenor was short lived; I resigned in good standing or I withdrew passing (if your in college). So I can say things like "color breeder" and nobody can bust my butt for it except Val and Tony or anyone else that happens to be a moderator.
If you don't believe people are doing "color projects" then you are nieve.
I will be a lamb and probably Scott will be also. I am there to learn and to network with some of my old friends and new friends alike. In my real life I am very easy going and love people. I do have a little bit of linebacker mentality and will not tolerate someone who will lie to me as they grin in my face.
I will not even stand out in the crowd. I do wear unusual hats, but that is because I'm ugly.
Nobody has anything to fear from me and I don't drink, so I won't be making a fool of myself unconsciencely.
In the middle 80's I did get caught up in the so called dual purpose rollers and what a joke that was. I even had some Show Rollers (Emersons) and that can be very about needing to be political, wow. What a joke.
I do admire the Show Roller people not useing "Birmingham" in thier description.
I will see you there. I will be an old man who is grossly over weight guarding Scott Campbell...keeping him from being lynched(LOL).
I will be at Joe Bob's on Friday, and I am going to Cliff's on Saturday and will spend the rest of the day up at High point. Can't wait to see ya guys there. ---------- Justin
Hi Richard, I consider Nick a friend. He enjoys the banter back and forth as much as I But in this case I don't think he should poke his finger into the chest of those who are asking him to be their guest. If it were me I would show some gratitude, not attitude.
I don't see Nick in the same light, I see someone trying to wake everyone up. A realist that knows fancy long words that make you think before you try to answer. I find him informative, he looking at things in a different light, which can cause you to think, take a look at his ideas in his light. I learn a lot that way. I also notice that his post on any site get more hits on his threads then anyone else's. So he must be getting threw to someone else too. He is a popular man with his ideas. I love to disagree with him when I can, which is not often. I call him a friend. One one of the first I call if I have a problem or need an answer.
Nick, don't get a head bigger then you hat size and have to go get bigger ones.. :)
Jim @thebirdhouse
PS Not going to the meet this time. :( I will learn and see what Nick post about the show afterwards about it.
Last Edited by on Sep 14, 2007 5:01 AM