Mongrel Lofts
374 posts
Sep 28, 2007
10:06 PM
Hey Guys, I wonder how many notice these colored streamers flowing in the wind? I know this was an exhibition fly so no foul. Here is the thing and it really makes me laugh.. Guys are doing things like this more and more during competition. They call them hawk deterrents.. I heard about a guy in Texas flying a bunch of balloons just below the roof and behind his kit box during competition.. Out of the site of the judge and viewers until after the fly was over. When they were noticed,, OH! to scare the hawks off,, LOL The birds would circle low but not land for fear of the brightly colored moving balloons.. I have seen guys put 15 men up on the roof to watch their kit fly during competition,, birds got so close to landing, then the guy would stand up, and up they go again! LOL I just wonder, how many of you have fallen for this phony hawk deterrent in your competitions? Pay attention, they are always right above or near the kit box? LOL I'm telling ya,, some things are so obvious, they are funny.. Just wondering if you guys have noticed the next to the comp box moving around keeping the kit from landing hawk deterrents I have been seeing more and more of!!! Good thing these things are not interfering with a kit during competition. Perhaps keeping a kit from landing early! No! LMAO KGB
2225 posts
Sep 28, 2007
10:56 PM
I took note of it and it and was used to keep the kit up in this case......but, like you said it was an exibition. I think we need to see if these types of streamers (or the balloons) will be present during competition.
Of course, I was just assumming that it was being used for training purposes only.
Nick ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
205 posts
Sep 29, 2007
5:05 AM
I have never seen something like that but it is funny that they came up with something to help them win!
154 posts
Sep 29, 2007
6:54 AM
like a couple of hundred peole walking around your back yard was not enought to keep them flying. so big deal he had ballons or stremers it was a show and noting more
Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2007 6:58 AM
Mongrel Lofts
375 posts
Sep 29, 2007
11:40 AM
Al, Did you read the post? This picture was just an example. This was not done in a comp and your right, is no big deal..Just a picture for example of what guy use to keep birds up that really are fed wrong or have no heart and want to land. The Balloon thing got a man in the finals.. The roof thing, wasn't figured out for a long while.. We laughed about it for years. No one ever went up on the roof, except during a big fly. Another time, a guy in Calif during the WC prelim was standing behind his loft waving his ball cap as his birds were trying to land at about 7 minutes. Someone seen him and pointed it out.. He later said I'm sorry and was embarrassed. I just find things like that humorous.. What competition won't get a man to do? LOL Good to talk about, so judges are aware during the big flys and keep an eye out for dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!! LOL KGB
378 posts
Sep 29, 2007
12:27 PM
So, are rubber snakes in the kit box a NO NO?
101 posts
Sep 29, 2007
12:43 PM
I received this information from a roller flyer living in Texas too. All the information Kenny spoke about is a disqalification in competiton roller flying and should not be tolerated. There would be a lot of people doing all these things if it were permisable but it isnt. Anyone breaking rules and regulations in local,state,national,and world flys should be suspended for two years from competition. This includes both the flyer and judge in any club. There has been a case where a flyer was awarded a master flying award. All flyers should make sure no one is breaking rules because this belittles the breed and club alike. Sportsmanship is very necessary in the fancy. Best regards. Ray
21 posts
Sep 29, 2007
1:16 PM
Ray is right you should be disqualify if caught cheating,if your birds come down early ,hey now you know what you have to do next time to keep them up.but then you go cheat because you don't want them to come down early so you don't be embarrass not thinking when you get caught what you going to say >I'm sorry and get embarrassed anyway. ---------- Ralph....
wafer kits
48 posts
Sep 29, 2007
2:57 PM
Hey Gang; I used to fly 3 or 4 times a day for big crowds at a fairground. My birds were not bothered by having so many people milling around, however, if someone was flying a kite or balloon it would make them reluctant to land. They soon adapted to the carnival sounds of the rides etc also but rock bands blaring over the loudspeakers would keep them from trapping in. I had to call them in after about 15 minutes with only a small handful of grain each time. A week later I was flying competition and they all landed immediately after being up only a couple of minutes because they saw me going to the truck for their feed. Al
265 posts
Sep 29, 2007
6:33 PM
hey keenny, so is it legal to flag or get ur birds pumping blood when letting out of kit box ??,,,like that post said about a rubber snake ??in kit box when releasing ??
266 posts
Sep 29, 2007
6:45 PM
Oh Ok MIlo.. can i also shoot my gun i gotcha thxx
Mongrel Lofts
376 posts
Sep 29, 2007
7:43 PM
Hey Ruddy, you can do anything you want before the competition.. If you put a rubber snake inside the kit box before release, then open the door and Fart as the birds leave the box.. All Legal!! On the other hand, if you run up to the kit box, Open the door and fart and throw a rubber snake into the air just as the birds are trying to land early. Your DQed!!!! LOL You can do anything you like to prep the kit and get them up. You can't fly balloons or throw your hat in the air to interfere with a kit once in competition. Its really simple, you can't interfere with the what the kit does in any manner once they are on the clock and being judged in competition.. KGB
Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2007 7:45 PM
173 posts
Sep 29, 2007
8:14 PM
While I can see the opportunity to use these tactics could be tempting, I doubt that it is something done very often. How about some of the judges opinions. Have any of the guys here judged anyone and seen things like this done? I bet the streamers seen in the pics are probably there full time. In which case the birds would be used to them and have no affect.
I suspect this thread was started more to stir something smelly than to bring to light some big problem. Just my opinion. ---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
Mongrel Lofts
377 posts
Sep 29, 2007
8:26 PM
Butch, May I ask how this subject could stir something smelly? Is there something wrong with discussing what is proper and what is not in competition? Sorry you see no use in discussing what is legal in competition. KGB
175 posts
Sep 29, 2007
8:47 PM
Kenny, I have no problem discussing legal competition tactics. I actually think it is a great subject to be brought up. But, was it really necessary to use pics from Cliffs loft and kitboxs to drive the point home? I mean really, you are very well spoken and pics that could cast a doubt on someone innocent probably were not necessary given the level of talent you have at driving home your point with only words.
Like I said, that was only my opinion and I really do hope I was wrong. If so let me be the first to apologize. ---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
892 posts
Sep 29, 2007
9:22 PM
Gentlemen, I use the flag to flag up my young bird kits during training, and a smaller version to kick the birds out. I can pop the big one and crack it in the air on the end of the long pole, like a whip. I also think it helps any young bird bumpers home in on where the ground is, or hold off the roll until they gain altitude. They also give me information, at a glance, as to wind speed and the direction I can expect the kits to get blown. I also think they help the young kits home in from up high, as they are quite visible. They are there all the time. However, during my competitions, I move them to a position on the fence row away from the kit box. It has absolutely no effect on hawks. I don't see very many Cooper's here, I probably lost 10 birds out of 175 last year and flew all year except for the month of February. I have had a Cooper's hit birds on the loft roof with the flag flapping in the breeze.
And it has absolutely no effect on keeping birds up when they want to land, believe me. Sometimes I wish it did, actually. I have them descend and land in heat and humidity right through the snapping and popping flag. I have even hit dumb sh%#t birds accidentaly with the pole. When they are ready to come down, I can be standing next to the trap and it doesn't phase them. Gregg Truesdale's kit at the convention came down with 200 conventioneers in the yard, many of which were 10 ft. from the kitbox. I don't think a flag represents much of an asset to a flyer. Either you have your birds ready or you don't. And the birds get used to it. I DQ'd a kit last fall with the flag flying! We have had judges here from all around the country and from South Africa, and not one has ever mentioned it or questioned the position of the flag during competition. YITS, Cliff
Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2007 9:34 PM
176 posts
Sep 29, 2007
9:38 PM
The more I think about this the more I can think of ways to do the same thing in a much more subtle way. A move as simple as taking off a hat every day as you are getting ready to feed them could trigger them to land. By keeping a hat on they could learn not to land cause its not feed time yet. How about setting down a coffee cup by the kitbox? Or a beverage can? It`s all just simple conditioning. With time and patience almost anything could be used. If this trend continues,heck, we could all find ourselves tied to a chair while or birds are being judged. and no decorations allowed near our lofts unless bolted or cemented in place. ---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
Mongrel Lofts
378 posts
Sep 29, 2007
10:21 PM
I DQ'd a kit last fall with the flag flying! We have had judges here from all around the country and from South Africa, and not one has ever mentioned it or questioned the position of the flag during competition. YITS, Cliff
Cliff, Honestly, I had no idea you flew those flags during competition. I have to be honest, those judges let you down. All of them.. If I put up 20 helium balloons during my WC competition would that be ok? If I threw sacks in the air if the birds started to come down,, would that be ok? I don't think so. If I flew a flag over my loft during competition I would never have to worry about a DQ. If this is legal in the WC or NBRC I want to know about it.. This maybe another one of those gray area's in the rules we need to make clear. If flying balloons behind your comp box on fly day is ok and not interfering with a kit.. Things just got easier and we can all get the birds closer to the edge on feed with no worry's.. Interesting, you never know what a topic is going to bring to light.. Thanks Cliff.. KGB
668 posts
Sep 30, 2007
12:30 AM
Nothing should interfere with a kit when time called on the clock no balloons no cap waving no streamers no flags no shouting no nothing.
End of chat. ---------- Regards W@yne UK
Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
Last Edited by on Sep 30, 2007 8:19 AM
155 posts
Sep 30, 2007
6:01 AM
that was my point too
22 posts
Sep 30, 2007
8:28 AM
Hey guys do we really want to take this that seriously? Should we just have someone pick our birds up take them to a indoor arena film them have a panel of judges score them without knowing who's birds they are then ship them back to the ownwer? There will still be people that complain it isn't fair. Or do we want to have people over to relax and enjoy the same hobbie we enjoy. I've only been back into rollers for 3 years and I've already figured out everything we do with our birds is some sort of conditioning. I have a very large barn about 40 yards from my kit boxes. I have a rope from one end of the roof to the other and another rope tied to the center that comes back to the ground. When I'm training new birds I will stand by the barn and any bird that wants to land I'll shake the rope to keep it from landing there. It is a natural place the birds want to land. After awhile all I have to do is be by the barn and they won't land there. Is this ok? or am I breaking some judges rule because of where I stand? I don't think you can even begin to figure out how differant people find ways to condition there birds to keep them flying when they land and how they get them to perform. I've shot competitive archery for 30 years. One of the things that really bugged me when I was younger was what I saw as cheating in unmarked distances at targets. The rules stated you couldn't use any sort of range finder to aid in figuring out the distance to the target. One thing I found out in a hurry was that everything on the course was a rangefinder if you wanted to use it. And I mean everything!!. I won't go into detail because I don't want to write a book currently. So the guys that did really good stayed within the {RULE BOOK} and conditioned themself with everything that was on the course that they could use for a edge. I finally learned that it was what we all do as humans. We do the same things with our rollers we feed them certain ways we house,feed,breed,train,ect,ect our way and it conditions them. So let's put them up and let them do there thing. Let's enjoy what we do with friends in our backyard. If I've learned that putting a coffee cup on the kit box make them fly longer is that cheating or conditioning? They still have to perform. Could you imaging how big the rule book would be have to be to cover everything? Keep it simple and have fun guys. I'm pretty sure in the big picture of life this is really small. 25 years ago I had a archery coach tell me that he didn't think that me not winning a contest would have a impact on how my children and grandchildren viewed me. Isn't that weird? Joe
267 posts
Sep 30, 2007
11:46 AM
THX Kenny u answered my question... i have a question i have a mexican flag on the side of my house ..where i bbque is that illegal when i fly comp ?
hey kenny isthat why u had me in a tree when u won the fall fly 2004..with my 100x cowboy hat swinging like crazy.........LMAO.LMAO.....AND MY GATORS GETTING ALL SCRAPED UP.LOL...
23 posts
Sep 30, 2007
7:30 PM
Hey Milo, Thanks for the post. I don't think you totally understood what I was trying to say. I don't avocate cheating at all. What I was trying to get across is we will never make a rule book big enough to cover everything that people will use to get a edge and still stay within the rules as they are written. When our ego's get in the way and winning is so important some people will go to any extinct. We all know there are people like this in all sports and walks of life. There will always be people that take the rules to the edge and beyond. Is taking rules to the edge wrong? I don't know if you can get anyone to agree with that one. I do know that if winning is so important to some it is easier to go to the line and beyond it. I don't think you will ever meet a more compeitive person than me. I can just about make anything a competion. The best thing I've learn competing over the years is to put things in perspective. Best of luck to you in the sport and life. Hope to be competing with you guys in a very short time. Joe
Mongrel Lofts
379 posts
Oct 02, 2007
1:17 PM
Joe, We can never make a rule for everything, you are correct!! Common sense tells you that if you have helium balloons waving and flying over your loft, your birds are not going to land. Your interfering with the kit. What worry's me is Cliff is the National fly director. He says he has had those flags or streamers flying over his loft and never has a judge mentioned them to him. Not even the South African judge. I wouldn't think the judge would have to tell the national fly director that flags flying over his kit loft is interfering with the kit landing!! He is the national fly director and although he says he didn't fly the flags in competition? He is pointing out if he did, the judges would not have said anything! By his example the judges were at his house while he was flying and didn't mention the flags, so no foul. That is wrong thinking in my opinion. All Competition's have rules! Sometimes we must rely on common sense don't you think? If a judge called the national fly director and said,, this guy won his region with helium balloons flying over his kit loft. Is that ok? What would the National fly directors response be, That's your call? It's fine to fly helium balloons over your loft if you say it is as the judge? I don't understand some of what is going on in the flying world. Things that used to be just natural common sense, seam to be falling in this made up gray area. The rules say you can't entefer with a kit during competition. They don't say anything about flying flags or balloons above your loft during competition so I guess its legal if the judge says so. HUH??????? Thats just not a common sense interpretation of the rules. Is it a big deal? Not in most regions where guys don't practice such under handed methods. I would say yea, it is a big deal in the regions guys are doing such things. Just another thing we should all get on the same page on. Don't you think? KGB
Last Edited by on Oct 02, 2007 6:46 PM
Snake Doctor
12 posts
Oct 02, 2007
1:51 PM
Question, I'm just starting out, reading everything I can get my hands on to learn.
Do I understand the situation proposed in this discussion to mean that if something is not specifically proscribed then it is allowed??????
Edmund Burke has been reported to have said, "All that is necessary for evil (wrong) to triumph is for good men to do nothing! Parenthasis is mine.
Is competition to be as level a playing field as is possible to prove the best; or, is it to encourage figuring out a way to gain unfair advantadge?
My question then would be,"What has been accomplished?"
2238 posts
Oct 02, 2007
2:39 PM
Competition should always be on a level playing field. Nobody should ever take advantage of vague rules or rules that don't specically deny an activity. The spirit of the competition should always prevail.
There are some dishonest people no matter where you go; no matter what.
Nick ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
177 posts
Oct 02, 2007
6:22 PM
What worry's me is Cliff is the National fly director. He says he has had those flags or streamers flying over his loft and never has a judge mentioned them to him, not even the South African judge. I wouldn't think the judge would have to tell the national fly director that flags flying over your kit loft is interfering with the kit landing. He is the national fly director and although he says he didn't fly the flags in competition?
I think this has turned into an interesting thread with some good thoughts posted and most of which I can agree with. I dont believe in cheating in the flies. If I commit a foul, I would expect the judge to either tell me about it or DQ me for having done so. His call...
But I did try politely to point out that this thread was started for no better purpose other than to discredit anouther flyer. Sportsmanship? Fellowship? Where does that fall into the by-laws?
Again, I really would hope that not to be the case but this last post was not made in any kind of vague discriptive nature of some " potential " problem. It has again honed in on a specific flyer and a specific loft. This just doesnt appear to be all about the rules, don`t ya think?
---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
Mongrel Lofts
380 posts
Oct 02, 2007
7:48 PM
THX Kenny u answered my question... i have a question i have a mexican flag on the side of my house ..where i bbque is that illegal when i fly comp ?
No Ruddy it's not illegal as long as your in Mexico! This is the USA, RED, WHITE AND BLUE! LOL I always take down my confederate flag before I fly in competition! LMAO In Idaho, we burn all foreign flags on our fly's. We roast our hot dogs on foreign flags and drink our beer! KGB
Last Edited by on Oct 02, 2007 7:55 PM
24 posts
Oct 02, 2007
8:04 PM
Kenny, I relise I haven't been in this sport that long. There is one thing I figured out in a very short time. This sport is just like a lot of other subjective sports. It's not a perfect system by any means and never will be. That is all I sugested. We are just people with all our defects. You or I won't live long enough to write the rule book to cover all the bases. I personaly don't need it to be perfect for me to enjoy it. I don't think I'm much different than most people in the sport. I really enjoy flying the birds with friends around and visiting their lofts. As for what Cliff Ball got away with, I wasn't there but I doubt that he used the flags or streamers to keep his birds up. There are things in everyones back yard that are capable of keeping birds up I guess. I Have a wild turkey that has got too tame and he jumps up on the kit boxes every now and then to peck for grain that spills out if I'm not careful with the feed can. He has taught a few of his friends the same trick. The birds won't land if they are up there!! Would you(: I also have a rooster that hates it when the birds land on the ground he is after them in a second. I'll bet I could train him to get up on the kit box(: !! Nah I think I'll just spend my time training the rollers, enjoying the sport and friends that I have met. Joe
194 posts
Oct 02, 2007
8:20 PM
a few years ago when i first started with the rollers i used to put the flag that i waved the kit up with on a bracket i mounted on my kit box so that the flag protruded above it flapping in the breeze that was until i started getting into the rules of comp flying .and i took what i was doing as interfeering with the kit so i stopped doing it and i am still only a backyard flyer.cheers trev
Mongrel Lofts
381 posts
Oct 02, 2007
8:49 PM
Butch, That only happened because Cliff said he flew the flags with many judges over his place and they never mentioned it. That is what drew this in a little bit. I will tell you, I think Cliff is fairly new to flying and is a stand up guy. I don't think he would ever do anything like fly a flag if he new it was not allowed. I just think its a good thing we are talking about it. Guys who didn't know it was a foul to fly flags over their kit boxes in comp, do now! Butch, you might be surprised to know, I admire Cliff for his hard work and jump in there and get things done style! I met Cliff in person at the Washington convention and he has a very pleasant nature. Nice guy who gets things done!! I just think Cliff still is feeling his way through the competition roller culture. One thing is for sure, he jumped in with both feet and he is not afraid to learn while on the job. This topic may seam like its about Cliff, but really its to help Cliff. In the long run I believe this will prove to be a fact.. KGB
180 posts
Oct 03, 2007
9:31 AM
OK, ok, I was just stating things the way I seen them. Actually, I think Cliff made comment somewhere that he has been flying the rollers about as long as myself. And if Cliff is still learning , then I`m sure I am too. Cause he`s kicking my butt in the Comps. He`s learnin how to win and I`m learning how to take a butt kickin on fly day. LOL
I met Cliff also , a few months back and also feel he`s not the kind of guy to cheat at anything. Actually I`ve met a lot of the flyers in this area and a little farther south of here, and I cant really say any of them strike me as being the type to cheat.
Kenny If I was wrong, again, I`ll be the first to apologise. All the talk of cheating just honks me off. ---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
898 posts
Oct 03, 2007
1:07 PM
Butch, Joe and Kenny, I thank you for your respect and your support, gentlemen. We are dealing with an issue, here, similar to the issue of a few months back with regard to flying the same birds in two kits in competition. It was generally accepted procedure, however no such policy actually existed. This has since been corrected by the NBRC EC as a result of these discussions. So it is very valid that Kenny bring it up. I am willing to be "used" for this process. LOL!
Playing devil's advocate, I will take the position that I have not broken any rules as Kenny has alleged, because there is no rule that prohibits flying a flag or streamers or balloons or anything else during competition. (Not that I disagree with his point that it OUGHT to be spelled out in the rules; but in my case it was just sort of an irrelevant oversight; and the judges, Regional Directors, and audience have apparrently agreed, since it was not brought up until Kenny mentioned it.) And there is no specific definition of how close to the loft they can be, or how large they can be etc. What constitutes "interference" is not clearly defined. So the fact that some flyers have always done things a certain way or believe a certain thing, does not make it policy. The rule is vague and not specific as it exists, however, it leaves what constitutes "interference" up to the judges discression. YITS, Cliff
Last Edited by on Oct 03, 2007 2:16 PM
205 posts
Oct 03, 2007
1:17 PM
Cliff, Where can we find a complete copy of the Fall Fly rules. Is the one thats listed on the NBRC website a complete version or a condensed version ?
Ray Fisher
899 posts
Oct 03, 2007
2:19 PM
Ray, The NBRC has a general "Policies and Procedures of the Fall Fly" which deals with the details and gray areas. Herein is where an ammendment was made dealing with the flying of the same birds in two competition kits. The Fly Rules are a part of this document. It was published in its entirety in the last issue of the NBRC Bulletin. I'll check the web site. It should also be posted there. YITS, Cliff
901 posts
Oct 03, 2007
2:40 PM
Flyers, The Fly Rule says, "Any interference with the kit after time in may lead to disqualification. Attempts to ward off birds of prey are allowed, but any directly-related kit activity shall not be scored." As I said, unfortunately, the rule, as it stands, is not specific and does not deal with flags, balloons, and spectator noises. Interference from whom? I have seen a flyer's neighbor fire up a chain saw at a very opportune time, kids shouting and playing in the flyer's yard; all sorts of commotion in the vicinity of the fly. We have to let common sense rule to some extent. I do not believe it was the intent of the authors of the Fly Rules to expect that the flyer can control the behavior of others. Nor do we dare give anyone in the crowd "control" over a competitior's potential disqualaification if a loud noise at the right time from the crown could be construed as interference resulting in disqualification. It would then be too easy to sabatoge another flyer's competition, in that case. I believe the Fly Rule pertains to the FLYER'S interference. But what types of attempts to ward off birds of prey are permitted? Anything? A shotgun? This is a very relevant issue in light of the recent issues we face as an organization. What constitues "directly-related kit activity?" If a flyer claps his hands and shouts to ward off a hawk and the kit breaks, does he lose the break? I have a hard time determining this to be cause and effect; the break not necessarily being the result of the clap. I can clap all day and it doesn't cause my birds to break! The Fly Rules wording of, "may result in disqualification", clearly leaves these things up to the discretion of the judge at this point in time. I seriously doubt that sublte ground-level noises really have an impact on the kits, nor a flag posted 20-30 yards from the kitbox if it is flown all the time anyway. Most judges apparrently agree, since I have never heard of a kit being disqualified for such. I have, however, seen several judges ask that spectators move away from the kitbox when the kit was in the air, and this is, obviously, the appropriate action to take.
So as it stands at the moment, ANY interfwerence could result in the kit being disqualified, but in reality, judges tend to let common sense rule. Do we need to tighten up this rule? Probably. If you have a propsal, send it to me. I'm also sure that your Regional Director will be happy to introduce it to the Executive Comittee for consideration. YITS, Cliff Ball NBRC National Fly Director
905 posts
Oct 04, 2007
2:22 PM
Ray, The Fly Rules posted on the NBRC website are the entire Fly Rules. They are not condensed. However, the Fly Rules are a part of a larger document, "NBRC Fly Policies and Procedures" that include a few more details. They were published in the last NBRC Bulletin, but I have asked Gonzalo, who is maintains the website, to add the rest of the document, also, so that flyers can refer to them. Thanks for calling this to our attention. YITS, Cliff
284 posts
Oct 09, 2007
4:48 PM
HI GUYZZZZZZZZZZZ Would this be consider legal or illegal????
Last Edited by on Oct 09, 2007 4:49 PM
224 posts
Oct 10, 2007
5:10 AM
looking good Rudy!
413 posts
Oct 10, 2007
8:50 AM
I can't find anything in the rules against flying these objects during an NBRC competition. They don't mention the straw man, Bald eagles, cats on top the loft or fire works! It's not spelled out in the rules so I say go for it!
I found this on another site and thought it was very good.
Jim Illinois @thebirdhouse
Last Edited by on Oct 10, 2007 8:52 AM
680 posts
Oct 10, 2007
9:24 AM
I think your beat, Rudy! LOL ---------- Val
"Site Moderator"
Last Edited by on Oct 10, 2007 9:27 AM
1198 posts
Oct 10, 2007
10:14 AM
Did they mention anything about common sense? If not, then the heck with it…we just pretend we have no common sense.
Mongrel Lofts
390 posts
Oct 10, 2007
6:45 PM
Rudy, That won't work at all, I can't even see your kit loft in the view of your flag and umbrella . You have to move the kit loft under the umbrella if you want the NBRC competition gray area effect!!! LOL KGB
28 posts
Oct 10, 2007
10:45 PM
Wow and here guys want to put a lawnmower and a jacket and flags I was going to put some girls in bikinis topless on my kit box so the guys would not look at what my birds are doing in the air LOL
227 posts
Oct 11, 2007
4:58 AM
Jim, now that is funny!!LMAO!
417 posts
Oct 11, 2007
4:03 PM
I wish I could take credit for that but somebody else did it, but I found it to be one of the funnest pix I seen for a few days.
Jim Illinois @thebirdhouse