2308 posts
Oct 16, 2007
12:53 PM
Do your birds act different in the loft when strangers approach them? I have noted than when someone else is with me the birds act different. They are spooky and are flipping around like a hawk is in pursuit.
Has anyone else noted that with your birds?
Nick ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
234 posts
Oct 16, 2007
1:00 PM
Well you dont want Ronnie Hale at your loft he can scare a police horse! Steve0...
20 posts
Oct 16, 2007
1:12 PM
hey Nick I've been told pigeons are dumber then a box of rocks. not so they do have the abilty to think and remember. not all but most. my birds know me and my three cats. anything thing or one comes around they freak. keepem spinin Don
401 posts
Oct 16, 2007
2:54 PM
It depends on how hungry they are. Mine will usually come down unless they are a bit overfed.
437 posts
Oct 16, 2007
5:47 PM
I've noticed the same thing about birds getting spooked when anyone is with me. I seen them land on me for protection. They are smarter then most people think.
390 posts
Oct 16, 2007
5:56 PM
Nick In the Loft like you said. I think most pigeons' I don't care who's they are when a stranger enters they act up flying around like crazy. Jumping from perch to perch. Happens here! Outside on the loft they put up with more! ---------- Tapp