old guy
32 posts
Oct 17, 2007
2:58 PM
I had a bird escape a Peregrine attack in a unique way this morning. I live out in open farm country and see very few Peregrines. Today one dived through my kit and split them. He then zeroed in on a light red grizzle hen. She stayed ahead for about 50 yards and then as the falcon was closing in, she dived down toward a drainage ditch that was about 15 feet deep with the falcon right behind. In a couple of seconds the falcon flew back up and out and continued on his way South. When I got to the ditch the roller was floating or swimming in the water next to the tall grass on the edge of the 6 foot stream. I went back to the loft to get a long pole to try to fish out the bird but before I got back, it flew out and landed briefly on a tree branch before flying back to the kit box. Is breeding amphibious rollers the way to go?
2333 posts
Oct 17, 2007
5:58 PM
Hey Wayne,
It worked for that bird(LOL). Great story!
Nick ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
399 posts
Oct 17, 2007
8:25 PM
Wayne, Good news. Now maybe you should start breeding for webbed feet!!!--------- Tapp
3 posts
Oct 17, 2007
9:55 PM
I've live town raising pigeon. And about 2 miles west is country side and 3miles east is downtown. A 1 mile radius around where i live there is alot of pigeons living in palm tree and building. But for some reason Falcon/hawks come to my backyard and chase my only 2 pigeon. This happen many times. Just don't understand it. Another story with my cousins loft he lives in the heart of our town and its a pretty big town which is fresno CA. He raises around 70 birds and there has been many time hawk would actually go into his loft and kill the baby and eat it. Maybe its just a easier target to get food then to chase for it but i just dont understand why hawk/falcon rather go for pigeon who are owned by people.
32 posts
Oct 17, 2007
10:49 PM
OK yeng this may sound crazy but its what I beleve. back in the late 70s &early 80s dpowl was raising falcons & hawks in places that were lacking in raptors. they raised and fed them pigeons out of a box. the raptors in turn passed that on to there offspring now all raptors in the country eat pigeon out of a box. Keepem spinin Don