1 post
Oct 18, 2007
11:30 PM
How do you break the habit of birds flying in circle. I have not been having many breaks because of them flying too strong and just turning in the circle pattern instead of the figure 8 they should be doing. I feed them around a table spoon per bird.
276 posts
Oct 19, 2007
4:45 AM
Quick, you might have a bird fying from the back of the kit to the front of the kit and turning them!
Last Edited by on Oct 19, 2007 4:46 AM
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1758 posts
Oct 19, 2007
5:54 AM
Hey quickspin, the amount of feed may very well be a factor, if they are too strong and fast, they will have a harder time setting up for a break and will end up "flying through it".
This can also keep the birds going in a large circle. Also, windy days can factor.
Here is my experience in dealing with this:
FIRST: To get my Ruby Rollers to the speed I want, I will use a 50/50 percentage of wheat and milo. They do fly slower and a bit higher and show the butterfly strokes.
I see a significant increase in breaks and activity when using this 50/50 mix versus wheat only.
The A-Team gets 1.25 tablespoons per bird and this ration keeps them consistently at 35 to 50 minutes at a good height for viewing.
SECOND: Some birds may have developed bad habits when they fast flying, here is the next thing; I will identify and remove any birds that are causing the kit to turn too fast.
You will see them move or adjust their flight pattern toward the inside of the turn. They will do this consistently and tend to keep the kit flying in a circle.
As a side note: bop issues might keep a skittish kit flying fast and in circles. Keep them in for a few days until the fight or flight intensity of the memory fades. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
2 posts
Oct 19, 2007
9:59 AM
I will keep them lock for a week I hope this is plenty of time for them to clear the mind. I will try the 50/50 and see the results. Post back in a week to show the results. I know there is two types of wheat which one is better the red or the white?
Thanks every one. RS
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1760 posts
Oct 19, 2007
10:12 AM
I like red. Bill Roy from Missouri uses red and he gets really good action. He has good rollers. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
180 posts
Dec 11, 2007
9:43 PM
Thanks for the respounces.
219 posts
Dec 11, 2007
10:49 PM
Tony hit it right on the nose,,I also throw a bird up in the opposite direction and it makes them turn the other way,sometimes its a white t-shirt tie in a knot i just toss it real high and they break out of it..so like breaking their habit.it only works when they fly low above my two story house. ---------- Ralph....
Last Edited by on Dec 15, 2007 6:10 PM