old guy
33 posts
Nov 07, 2007
11:57 AM
I am retired and had time to fly out 6 young bird kits this year. All but one of my kits ended up turning only one direction, four left and one right. I understand that a flyer should be able to pick out the bird or birds that are turning the kit and remove them. I rarely leave my kits when they are flying and watch them closely. It mostly seems like watching a school of fish and trying to pick out the leader. What management tips might I use next year to prevent some of this problem? Is it partly genetic, do others of you have this problem? Is it site specific, I fly in an open field? Some of my kits have learned to set up and roll just fine turning one direction but I think they would do better if they changed wing. Wayne
1252 posts
Nov 07, 2007
1:42 PM
In those kits you have a bird or two taking the kit to one direction. Identify them and remove them. The kitting will change direction.
Before we go in the direction, what and how are you feeding them?
What I have found works easiest is to get them very hungry and fly them. The strong ones stay up in the air while the weaker tends to land early. Evaluate the strong ones while in the air and see if they still on one direction. Identify the leading bird and remove him. That would be the one holding you guessing. If they are not flying in one direction, then the problem bird is in the weaker group. Split your kit, the weaker in one kit and the strong are in another. Fly the weak ones next time with their regular feed and pick the one out from the air that is leading the kit. Sometimes it is difficult to identify, so pull three or four and try it again until you identify the problem birds.
459 posts
Nov 07, 2007
2:44 PM
Wayne, my young bird kits seem to race around in circles, when they get older they slow down and fly different. ---------- Tapp
old guy
34 posts
Nov 07, 2007
4:44 PM
J, Good concrete plan. My basic feed is wheat with a few peas now and then. Usually 1 and three quarters measuring cup for 20 birds, a little more now that it is getting colder. I tried cutting feed, changing to milo and changing to barley with no luck. How hungry do I have to get them to get some birds to come down early?
Tapp, I think you are right. Most problems that we think we are correcting are really correcting themselves and we are taking the credit. LOL
Last Edited by on Nov 07, 2007 4:53 PM
1383 posts
Nov 07, 2007
5:18 PM
Old Guy With YB`s you need more protiein in their diet. Feed em 50/50 wheat and wild bird seed. I buy it a wallyworld for 6 bux a 20. It has 5-6 seeds grit and vitamins. The grit is small granite chips. Good stuff. I do have a tendency to agrre with J on this one.
---------- V99 Flippin`The Bird!