jt smash
5 posts
Nov 13, 2007
10:58 PM
What does it mean by the phrase (to break down a pigeon).how is this done and why? JT SMASH
40 posts
Nov 14, 2007
8:50 AM
You have to hold both ends of the pigeon and bend him to a 360 . Why? so your roller when he rolls you will see holes and it actually increase the depth by 100+ feet or when he hits something. They call it the one show suicide roller.
2471 posts
Nov 14, 2007
9:11 AM
That is not it. It is a feeding and flying schedule to get them into performance shape. Usually done in preparation for competition.
You change what is being feed and the amount and puting the birds on a tight training schedule. Each flyer has got his/her own way and schedule to accomplish this.
Nick ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
41 posts
Nov 14, 2007
9:27 AM
BINGO!!! I know i was all wrong but i did it on purpose to get someone to answer his question. Wrong answer always annoy a smart person or someone who knows the answer and gets them to talking when they don't want to talk.
Last Edited by on Nov 14, 2007 9:34 AM
2472 posts
Nov 14, 2007
10:09 AM
LOL yang ---------- BigRiverRollerLofts
93 posts
Nov 14, 2007
10:19 AM
Like Nick said, every time is different depending on how the birds are. You might have to break them even longer some times ones you have done it a couple of times you know when they are ready. You don't do this every time as you will weaken the birds or destroy them. I break down my bids different and so is every one else here. Some birds don't require to be broken down as much as others. Like my Smith birds are very strong and need to be broken even more than my Navarro birds. Some birds are too frequent for the kit and some are too strong those birds I separate in a another kit. I then feed more the frequent and less the strong ones. Ones you have them at the same speed you have broken them. That is why is better to have only one family, is a lot less work. I'm building my family and I have a couple of strains that I need to improve the family that I have.
97 posts
Nov 14, 2007
12:08 PM
How do I break down.
I feed them only pure milo for the time needed. Minimum 1 week depending.
I don't fly them for a minimum of 4 days so I know right a way the change.
The ones that are stronger I keep doing it in till they all are the same. Fly test fly test. Then they all are at the same level to begin the training.
Training days
1st day regular pigeon mix 2 tbs per bird no corn. 2nd day Pure Milo 1 tbs per bird 3rd day 50% Milo 50% wheat 1 tbs per bird. 4th day fly them. Take notes on the day they fly how they perform.
If they didn't fly high enough feed them more wheat if they fly too high feed them more milo. If they didn't fly long enough feed them more both.
I only give them water after they come in the loft then take it away around 5 minutes later. Do the flying time always in the morning and in the same time.
Then do all this 4 steps again. You don't need to break them again. I Only do this when I have not flown them and I need to get them all in the same level.
This is how I do it and other will do it different. You might have to feed them more or less of one grain or only pigeon mix. Try it that is the only way to know.
jt smash
6 posts
Nov 14, 2007
9:52 PM
Thank you gentelmen on the information on breaking down a pigeon.This is what i am talking about good infomation from outstanding birdmen thank you.