44 posts
Nov 23, 2007
10:51 PM
What color is this! (1)
 (2)(This is proof that good looking can also roll good ,one of the 2007 babies that is rolling already)

Last Edited by on Nov 24, 2007 4:36 AM
579 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:03 AM
The first two are black grizzles and the third is a tortoise shell
543 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:15 AM
Sweet birds jimmmmmm
68 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:33 AM
Nice looking birds Jim
1411 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:54 AM
Last one is the same color expressing kite, bronze for Nick. ---------- V99 Flippin`The Bird!
540 posts
Nov 24, 2007
11:04 AM
Nice birds i agree with Sal
201 posts
Nov 24, 2007
1:30 PM
Are there blue grizzle...
Mongrel Lofts
443 posts
Nov 24, 2007
9:25 PM
Hey Jim, I raise them colored birds also. LOL You guys do understand we are not talking about color birds right? We are really talking about crossing breeds to get rare colors, factors and patterns? Its not about color, its really about crossing the Birmingham roller on other breeds of pigeons just for color, pattern and factors. Please all you new guys, don't get confused by all the double talk. When you hear rare color, just think, cross breeding! This subject is really not about color, but about crossing the Birmingham roller on other breeds of pigeons. Here are a couple of my colored Birmingham rollers.. KGB

Last Edited by on Nov 24, 2007 9:31 PM
45 posts
Nov 24, 2007
10:12 PM
I dont realy breed for special colors, I breed for the best roller in the world. I am very fortunate to fly a family that looks good and rolls good.
1013 posts
Nov 25, 2007
1:25 AM
Kenny, If ya crosed those 2 birds, just amagine the colors they would reproduce.
Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
Pigeon Fancier
1177 posts
Nov 25, 2007
3:14 AM
KGB.Now we are both on the same page.LOL.I agree with you. Love that Red. Have you moved or got things fixed so you can fly again? David
25 posts
Nov 27, 2007
12:57 PM
good lookin birds gents jimmi
550 posts
Nov 27, 2007
5:08 PM
Wow I like the color of the last one
Jim Illinois
46 posts
Nov 27, 2007
7:30 PM
A fine looking pr of birds. I have some james Turners that look just like them. I'll try to get some pictures- not sure I know how to post them on this site. Your bird is the one that I learned that all rec red mottles don't have to have grizzle-- LOL db.
Last Edited by on Nov 27, 2007 7:30 PM
Mongrel Lofts
452 posts
Nov 27, 2007
7:51 PM
Have you moved or got things fixed so you can fly again? David Bluesman, Thanks for asking about the flying situation. We are in escrow and hoping to close by the 20th. God willing I will be flying rollers from the same place for the next 35 years. Probably take a year or so to get a good team going again, but I can't wait to get started,, thans again,KGB
Last Edited by on Nov 27, 2007 7:55 PM
50 posts
Nov 27, 2007
8:04 PM
Hi, this photo looks like a house for a nice and quiet vacation. It is stunning.
1705 posts
Nov 27, 2007
8:05 PM
So Kenny,what breed was crossed into the BR to get the colour of that red n white one?no worries I ain't gonna do it just curious.BTW your new place looks it may be a little bop unfreindly??not many trees,eh.Good luck with it and please post some pics when you get your loft set up. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
Last Edited by on Nov 27, 2007 8:14 PM
Mongrel Lofts
453 posts
Nov 27, 2007
8:16 PM
Kelli, I hope you are kidding. Rec Red is even in the list of imports. In the 1968 roller digest, there is a list of every bird imported to the US by Pensom and a few others. Along with the band numbers and who the birds were imported by and from, are their colors.. Check out that list.. KGB
Mongrel Lofts
454 posts
Nov 27, 2007
8:18 PM
Jim, It is so peacful,, No neighbors for some distance.. We have a view over the valley,, looks cut up like flying from a plane almost with mountians to the south west,, Million dollar view.. Just hope it all goes well with the closing.. Thans agian,, KGB
312 posts
Nov 27, 2007
8:25 PM
Ken - Good looking birds. I have continued the PRC club so contact me via e-mail when you can at lvdoucet@cs.com
Dr. LD
1706 posts
Nov 27, 2007
8:30 PM
Hey Kenny,ok,ok dumb question maybe so but jeez,i've only had rollers less than 2 years and i can say for sure i don't know everything about them especially all the colours they come in(the pure ones).So enlighten me,where can i get a look at a 1968 Roller Digest with a list of all the colours imported?I'm just curious is all dude.All my birds are plain ol Monty birds cept for one 1/2 Barrett hen she's black and white baldy and I'm not changing that soon.The pics of the birds you posted here look great,im not saying they look like crossbreeds,it was you that said they were a colour project.peace brudda from annudda mudda. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
784 posts
Nov 27, 2007
10:25 PM
Great looking house Kenny and location i wish you to have many years of happy flying there. ---------- Regards W@yne UK
Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
Mongrel Lofts
455 posts
Nov 28, 2007
1:26 AM
Kelly, LOL color projects! I never said these were color projects. I said Birmingham rollers come in many colors within the breed. There is no reason to go out and cross breed for color. These are just run of the mill everyday regular color's. The rec red mottle hen is from two open patterned blue checks. My rec red and mottles come from my Blue's and ash red checks.. This is a bird bred from my pure Monty birds. The father is IRA-95-#1595 right from Monty's stock loft at the time of his death and BCBRC-97 -#252... My point was and is you don't have to cross breeds to have pretty birds if that is what you desire. They just exist within the breed! Mongrelizing the breed for colors' pattern's and factors is PURE FOOLISHNESS and needless. Not to mention a waste of many good Birmingham rollers.. I think you missed the point mate! LOL KGB
PS. the rare color Mongrel breeders have done a great job confussing the men in the breed. This just proves it! They have turned the cross breeding into anything with white on it is a colored bird. It's not about color guys. Its about cross breeding to other breeds for color, factors and patterns that do not, and have never existed with in the Breed Birmingham roller.
Last Edited by on Nov 28, 2007 1:50 AM
617 posts
Nov 28, 2007
4:28 AM
Kenny, real nice birds! How are the Neibel's birds working out for you?
1707 posts
Nov 28, 2007
5:25 AM
Ken, Thanks for clarifying that.My mistake,I misread your original post with the red-mottle.Must admit I'd be pretty damn surprised to get offspring that colour out of any of my blue-checks. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
Last Edited by on Nov 28, 2007 5:30 AM