544 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:26 AM
ZUPPPPPPPP GUYS A QUESTION IN YOUR OPINIONS ???? Where do u think the better roller flyers and breeders are West or East coast......?????????
585 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:27 AM
Pigeon Fancier
1175 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:28 AM
There is good ones on both Coast. David
67 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:31 AM
I dont know what the BOP issue is like in the East.
526 posts
Nov 24, 2007
8:33 AM
On West vs. East very interesting i would love to see that type of turn out i am all in
174 posts
Nov 24, 2007
9:21 AM
You can for get flying back east in oct nov dec just to many bop . If i were to fly now . Id lose one a day till they were all gone. And thats not going to happen
1009 posts
Nov 24, 2007
9:23 AM
Ruudddyyy, What side of the fence does that leave us mid country guys on?
Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
1193 posts
Nov 24, 2007
1:02 PM
The slow inbred part of the country..LOL..LOL
I can say that because my dad is from Arkansas...LOL
rock and ROLL
19 posts
Nov 24, 2007
1:16 PM
west is best
108 posts
Nov 24, 2007
1:38 PM
no disrespect. but i'm with the WESTSIDE!!!!!!
Last Edited by on Nov 24, 2007 1:39 PM
102 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:09 PM
we got something the east coast dont have our secret weapon crested muff rollers
261 posts
Nov 24, 2007
6:54 PM
Like Spanky said,"WESTSIIIDE!!!!" On the serious now I believe you will find fine breeders on both coast.
Donny James
132 posts
Nov 24, 2007
8:42 PM
in my honest opinion it depends on the handler he/she can make the kit or brake the kit...........donny james
1333 posts
Nov 24, 2007
8:58 PM
How come the East Coast been winning lately? Any ideas?
1014 posts
Nov 25, 2007
1:30 AM
Paul, Now please dont rank us Missouri guys with those back woods hicks down there in ARKANSAS!!!!!!!!!!..LOL
They are in a league of their own!
Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
546 posts
Nov 25, 2007
7:15 AM
Hey Jerry ....... I guess we consider ourselfs (CENTRAL COAST)....LOL
538 posts
Nov 25, 2007
3:50 PM
I would say the mid-west is not the east or west 3 regions as they say The Midwest is Best.
Jim Illinois
Mongrel Lofts
445 posts
Nov 25, 2007
5:01 PM
How come the East Coast been winning lately? Any ideas? Jay
J-Star, this is the simple true answer. 1. you have some very good flyers who are retired.. 2. The BOP {Peregrine Falcon's} are getting so thick, they are like flocks of crows. 3. And most importantly, they have been buying and borowing great birds from the West Coast. LIke Jay Starley, Jerry Higgins, Norm Reed and Richard Junkenett, just to name a few!! I hope I have helped answer your question.. LOL KGB
Last Edited by on Nov 25, 2007 5:02 PM
556 posts
Nov 25, 2007
5:13 PM
ZUPPPPPPPPPPPPP Mongrel ... Had a question for you .u spelled richard junkenette??? why is that??? Was there a problem with jaconette birds ??? ---------- RUDY PAYEN PANCHO VILLA LOFT
Mongrel Lofts
446 posts
Nov 25, 2007
5:18 PM
No Rudy, That is just a term that was dear to many of us who new the truth Richard would never tell about where his birds came from.. Just a handle used by some,, KGB
Last Edited by on Nov 25, 2007 5:19 PM
1336 posts
Nov 25, 2007
5:44 PM
Well Kenny, since you opened the can, let us hear why. I am interested to learn why. Also I heared allot from the west coast people that they have Danny Horners Jaconetts from NC. I was told that he ships them by the 100s to CA. Just telling you what I know.
Last Edited by on Nov 25, 2007 5:46 PM
557 posts
Nov 25, 2007
6:07 PM
Hi J-starrrr......... I herd brian mc cormick had danny horners?? i use to have some...that i bought from him
94 posts
Nov 25, 2007
7:25 PM
hey mongrel loft maybe richerd just did not want to tell it all .sometimes it is better that way . when people are winning at something thay will not tell ever thing thay are doing to win. hardtime
Mongrel Lofts
447 posts
Nov 25, 2007
11:38 PM
J-Star, Danny Horner got his birds from the west coast. Some of the new fancier's that want Junkenette's are getting birds from Danny, but he is just shipping birds he got from the west coast back to the west coast.. The goods still came from the West coast. Kapish? KGB
PS. Junkenette got his birds From Jerry Lynn, David Sanchez and Richard Espindoza. These guys got most of their birds from Joe Houghton and Frank Lavin to name a few. All birds went back to Pensom's loft. West Coast,, See why all good roller lead back to the west coast.. Loyd Thompson of Canada also had Pensom based birds. West coast! All Good rollers can be traced back to Pensom and the West coast in the USA, Unless your one of the guys importing from the UK these days.. KGB
Last Edited by on Nov 25, 2007 11:44 PM
555 posts
Nov 26, 2007
6:59 AM
KGB and thats the way it is way to go
J-Star u got a ear full on that one lol
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 7:10 AM
556 posts
Nov 26, 2007
7:11 AM
J-Star how good are your Jac's?
1343 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:12 PM
Horner got his birds directly from Richard jaconette back in 1979. In 1986 he brought in a cock from Haas in Texas who also have the same family from Richard because he lost a good kit of cocks in an overfly.
Kenny stop with the none sence. The way you are posting sounds like if people don't have the KGB line, their birds are worthless. Please don't be negative about everything including the well bred "pure" BR just because they are not from your loft.
From reading the posts here, I see allot of color breeders in the west cost more than ever. If the west cost talks about purity and make an issue about it, then how in the world they keep colored, muffed and crested rollers in numbers!!! If that is the case, then color birds are better than the pure birds which against your preaching.
People lookup to you and respect you. Be a leader in a positive and productive way. Putting families or birds down just because it is your openion and it is not your family is unproductive and completely out of line. Don't you think!! That is my take Kenny.
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 4:21 PM
559 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:16 PM
Hey J-Star would that happen to be Rex haas ?????? ---------- RUDY PAYEN PANCHO VILLA LOFT
1344 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:18 PM
560 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:23 PM
Ok cool J-star i guy here bought some birds from rex back in 1989 he has nice birds but been in breeding since then they kit not good roll too deep ??? Imet rex haas in pic nic and told him about the birds back in 80"s he said there were the best he had ever had ????......... ---------- RUDY PAYEN PANCHO VILLA LOFT
561 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:27 PM
1346 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:31 PM
That is poor management. Horner birds are known to be 25 to 35' pretty much bred for competition. They kit like glue and love to fly. Small birds and some are at 5 to 6oz. Some the birds come deeper. They have great control and are 'pure' never been crossed with any others for colors or anythin else. Clay Hoyle in NC has a hen from Danny that rolls 80' and back to the kit. Now adays Horner is trying to put more depth tohis birds. I like his family are very easy to manage from every corner. His famly is devoid from every breeding faults. Ellies McDonnaled family is Jacs. There are allot of fanciers who have the Jacs. It amazes me how people put other birds or family down so theirs look better.
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 4:32 PM
562 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:38 PM
Yeah it probably is poor management he doesnt compete only back yard flyer they sure roll deep the pic above are his birds.......... ---------- RUDY PAYEN PANCHO VILLA LOFT
563 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:39 PM
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 4:40 PM
564 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:45 PM
565 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:56 PM
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 4:58 PM
1347 posts
Nov 26, 2007
4:57 PM
Gotspin. No not yet. I lock my birds down mid of Oct. due to hawks issue and time savings. In the spring I get them out around the mid of March due to snow and my busy schedule. I am farming allot of my to do list so I can have my precious time back and hopefuly this coming year I will join the ranks of comp.
566 posts
Nov 26, 2007
5:01 PM
Mongrel Lofts
449 posts
Nov 26, 2007
5:24 PM
Hey Jay, I sure don't mean for anyone to think that. My birds are just good honest rollers nothing more..No better or worse than others. Hey, I heard Danny Horner was going to fly at the convention. Did you go and did you get to see his kit fly? I was wondering how they looked? KGB
1348 posts
Nov 26, 2007
6:09 PM
Thanks for understanding Kenny.
He flew a young bird kit and did not do much at all. The weather was extremely hot that day. But I was disappointed with what I saw a long with the big name flyers also. Seams like they did not prep their kits to give a commendable good show except for Greg Tusdale(sp).
I thought it could've been a strategy not to show their good kits due to the collection of competitors from around the country for the conventions and not to show their birds potential to not give others an inside info of what to look for to beat them. That is only my opinion.
If I was a flyer on the list for the convention, I would have prepped my birds to be at their best performance just to leave a lasting impressions in allot of minds. That is just me.
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 6:11 PM
425 posts
Nov 26, 2007
6:18 PM
Jay, You said, I thought it could've been a strategy not to show their good kits due to the collection of competitors from around the country for the conventions and not to show their birds potential to not give others an inside info of what to look for to beat them. That is only my opinion.
Why would anyone do that ? Makes no since to me. ---------- Ray
Breeding Quality Spinners, "One Roller At A Time".
426 posts
Nov 26, 2007
7:19 PM
Jay, I agree with bad weather conditions and no time to prep the A team, even the BOP is a good reason to not open the door to your A team, but to not show their good kits due to the collection of competitors from around the country for the conventions and not to show their birds potential to not give others an inside info of what to look for to beat them. I just do not see why anyone would do that. Just sounds silly, Sorry. If I knew that people from all over the country where going to step into my backyard to see my birds, I would want my birds to look there best. Even better then a big competition fly. But thats just ---------- Ray
Breeding Quality Spinners, "One Roller At A Time".
1352 posts
Nov 26, 2007
7:34 PM
Ray, I agree with you and that is what I said also in my earlier post. however, what I wrote was only my own gut feeling and my opinion only and I could be mistaken. That is how I felt at the time because you see the birds workrate and performance capabilities but you can tell that management was not there even at the top name fancier lofts which led me to come up with that conclusion.
Last Edited by on Nov 26, 2007 7:45 PM
427 posts
Nov 26, 2007
8:10 PM
Jay, You did say that if it was you, you would try to put up your best. You know, I just don't see how a fly day could get any better when some of the best flyers in the country are coming to see your birds. Sounds nerve racking as hell. I know I would not ---------- Ray
Breeding Quality Spinners, "One Roller At A Time".
564 posts
Nov 27, 2007
6:27 AM
I agree with you Ray!
968 posts
Nov 27, 2007
12:18 PM
Jay, It is an absurdity to even suggest that the Carolina men did not fly their best birds for the alterior motive that you suggested...Why didn't you just ask me, my friend, before making such speculations? You've been watching too much conspiracy TV, I think. (or been hangin' around KGB too long!) LOL! Anyway, I assure you that the best birds were flown. Remember that all three guys, Jay, Joe Bob and Clay all lost their A-kits to overflies and hawks or some combination thereof. Some have lost two successive A-kits. So what was flown by those three, were young bird kits...the same ones they competed with...the best they had. You are right, the birds were in no way in competition shape. Someone with your experience in the sport should recognize that some of the guys' birds were heavy in the molt...some had been plucked and parked all summer and were just getting into shape....and one or two, including Horner and Collins, usually lock down mid September and would not risk their best birds to hawks. I put my best birds up, though it was 90 degrees and 90% humidity, as did Charlie Stack...which you didn't mention, by the way. (Charlie and I were the regional qualifiers in both the World Cup and the Fall Fly, just to refresh your memory!...but we don't really count as one of the top fliers, right?! LOL!) YITS, Cliff
Last Edited by on Nov 27, 2007 12:28 PM
412 posts
Nov 27, 2007
12:33 PM
which was is west and which was is east because east of us we can go and reach the west and west of us we can go and reach the east so um I think the planet earth has the best rollers.. ---------- Nrhoua (Doua) Xiong 4581 25th ave. sacramento C.A. 95820
1022 posts
Nov 27, 2007
12:35 PM
Home of "Whispering Wings Loft"
613 posts
Nov 27, 2007
2:23 PM
Cliff, thanks for the information as I read this thread and was wondering!LOL
Missouri, I will second that!parlor, HUH???LMAO!!
Last Edited by on Nov 27, 2007 2:24 PM
567 posts
Nov 27, 2007
5:10 PM
Thanks Cliff good job Cliff i need to talk to you
Last Edited by on Nov 27, 2007 5:10 PM