I was just wondering because i have not seen many natural things given to peoples birds i give my birds garliqu and a little olive oil in there feed and some times i will take a little vitamins and olive oil and mix with there seed olive oil helps the vitamins to stick to the seed i also will put vinager in there water but thats all i know that wont hurt them do any of you guys know any thing that helps respiration or any thing like that i would be greatful if you guys would please share some secrets thanks alot
____________________________ The man in black city-side-lofts.piczo.com Ben the bird man of Idaho
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1951 posts
Dec 04, 2007
7:08 PM
Work on preventing illness first and you will have fewer problems.
* Keep loft dry but not dusty * Have good air-exchange but not direct breeze on them * Keep water clean, change it daily * Provide a good health supplement like Provital Boost or Breeder Plus in breeding pairs * Remove birds that are sneezing or have watery eyes. * Tetracyclines are known to work with respiratory problems. Some types respond in a few days, some can take a month of treatment to finally respond. * Seriously consider culling chronically sick birds, but not for the occasional illness
Just some quick thoughts for you. Consider investing in your knowledge by getting some books regarding pigeon sickness and health from this site. ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
i do most of those things i dont have any birds that are sick now but i have a friend who has a few with respiratory and i got a bird from him so i was wondering cause i isolated the bird i got from him and i dont know if he had it or gave it to any of my birds and i want to be careful
_____________________________ The man in black city-side-lofts.piczo.com Ben the bird man of Idaho
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
1958 posts
Dec 04, 2007
8:38 PM
You are smart to isolate the bird. Watch it for several days, if it looks healthy and the droppings are solid, its probably okay to introduce it to your lofts.
BTW, watch for watery eyes, discharge from the nostrils, sneezing and puffiness in its appearance. Good luck! ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
I had read in the NBRC magazine that persalane is good for pigoens. It is a weed on the west coast maybe back east too? It is ivasive and I tried to get rid of it until I gave it to my birds. They love it. They ( Breeders ) will jump down like they are starving to get at it and I feed mixed grains to them. The kit birds get some too. I also give collard greens and swiss chard greens. The birds are very shinny and I know its good for them or they would not eat it like they do. At first your birds might just crap on greens but keep it fresh and give it every three days or so and eventually they will taste it and crave it. It won't make them roll better, but they will be heathier if you don't use vitamins. When I was a kid, I would let out my birds to fly. Fantails and everything I had. The fans didn't fly much though, after flying ( ferrels) they would head for my Moms rock garden which was full of ice plants. They would eat all the leaves and left was just stems. Then my Mom would yell, " Billy you've been letting out those damn birds again, they've eaten all my flowers." See they really like greens! Bill
Last Edited by on Dec 06, 2007 8:58 PM