433 posts
Jan 31, 2008
4:32 PM
I do not expect that most will understand what I'm saying, let alone agree with me. I'm old school, born and raised from Kentucky stock. I live in OHIO, and have spent a lifetime,(almost) trying to teach by example. I open doors for lady's, no matter what their age and any female is a lady to someone, so all are lady's to me. I never return an empty container, ever! Some will understand, most will not. I stop to help if I can, otherwise no rubbernecking! I have only my word to prove who I am, once given, never broken.I treat everyone with respect.
I'm done, Thom
Last Edited by on Jan 31, 2008 4:33 PM
Snake Doctor
163 posts
Jan 31, 2008
4:57 PM
There is no greater compliment, no greater epitaph than, "He was a man of his word!"
Well said Thom! ---------- "Semper Fi" SD
435 posts
Jan 31, 2008
6:07 PM
Thanks Roy, I never thought you would not understand.
"Semper Fi", Thom
466 posts
Jan 31, 2008
6:16 PM
Tom ,I'm old school myself up to this day being with my wife 26 yrs i still open doors for her whether car doors house door,and any lady at that.and as a kid my word was always important to me.I always said i might be poor and broke , but i have one thing and thats my word and i never break that for no one. and that my friend makes me rich.. ---------- Ralph....
436 posts
Jan 31, 2008
6:21 PM
Ralph,Roy, There is nothing more gratifying then the acceptance and understanding of ones peers.I consider myself wealthy to count men such as you as friends.
Snake Doctor
166 posts
Jan 31, 2008
6:56 PM
I can't won't take credit for what I am, I owe it all to the following: three tiny little women with GIANT spirits, my Grandmother, Mother and Wife. The first two could and would take a butter paddle and make the fat sizzle, the third made and sometimes still makes me wish she would take a butter paddle to me rather than the tongue lashin I get when as she says "The Devil has got you by the big toe!"
The United States Marine Corps
Jesus Christ, I'd have been better if I had found Him sooner! ---------- "Semper Fi" SD
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
2132 posts
Jan 31, 2008
8:45 PM
A while back, Joni and I went out to a movie in Springfield and afterwards we walked back to our car, the car parked in front of ours had 2 young couples obviously out on a date getting into their car, each through their own door as Joni and I were too...except that I had opened Joni's door for her and I heard one of the girls chastise her boyfriend and say "why don't you do that for me"? he did not know what to say as he looked on dumb-founded...
I just looked at the guy and smiled and walk to my side of the car proud of myself! ;-) ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
Support This Site With Your Pigeon Product Purchase-Over 100 Pigeon Products!
1895 posts
Jan 31, 2008
10:09 PM
Oh yeah!!And when I feed her breakfast and she says Gracias Papi,I say At Your Service Madame!! ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
Double R
235 posts
Feb 01, 2008
6:25 AM
I've always taught my 3 sons that your only as good as your word, and if you tell someone you will do something then do it. No excuses. Always treat women with respect and respect your elders. Last but not least to take responsibility for your own actions. I couldn't have asked for better sons.
Last Edited by on Feb 01, 2008 6:27 AM
1899 posts
Feb 01, 2008
6:31 AM
Robby,yeah it's nice when a person hears good feedback about ones kids,eh,when they are well liked in the community.Makes a person feel like they've done SOMETHING right.HAH!! ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
Windjammer Loft
202 posts
Feb 01, 2008
7:07 AM
Its amazing how few recognize what RESPECT is,and show it too. To ALL who responded, I do have the up-most respect for you all. More should take heed of this POST. ---------- Fly High and Roll On Paul
555 posts
Feb 01, 2008
7:11 AM
All awesome post!!
408 posts
Feb 01, 2008
7:36 AM
OLD SCHOOL RULES!!! It's never to late to start. A Great character. R-Luna
304 posts
Feb 01, 2008
8:09 AM
well said Oldfart
305 posts
Feb 01, 2008
8:12 AM
It seems like most Americans have left the old school rules behind. This new generation is something else especially the kids. Kids dont have the respect that they use to have and seems like that are much more violent. I wounder how this world is going to be 50 years from know.
71 posts
Feb 01, 2008
8:59 AM
Aloha Robby, Very inspiring post. You say that you're lucky to have 3 great sons, I say they're lucky to have parents that care enough to teach them what is right and wrong. I feel that the major problem today is with fathers and mothers not being "PARENTS" and not teaching the young respect and manners.JMO
---------- Aloha, Dexter
439 posts
Feb 01, 2008
10:44 AM
I could and probably should name, names of those who have responded. Thats not the point. I'm gratified that so many remember the leasons tought by their grandparents and parents. I agree that todays children seem to have no respect for anything or anyone including themselves. Thanks to Tony and Joni, we have the rare opportunity to perhaps change some young persons perspective. Treat each other with the respect we all seem to be longing for and just perhaps the message will root in a young mind. The very least that will happen is a bonding of peers. My soap box is a little shaky so I'll stop, by now everyone that understands has gotten the point and those that haven't, might.
Last Edited by on Feb 01, 2008 10:47 AM
1533 posts
Feb 01, 2008
10:58 AM
What prompted this thread!!!!
spinner jim
232 posts
Feb 01, 2008
1:18 PM
On the subject of manners,my wife and i were shopping the other day and the elderly gentleman in front of us passed wind (farted) ,i said to him ,HOW DARE YOU fart in front of my wife ??, his reply was -- WHY was it her turn? ,lol jim uk.
1011 posts
Feb 01, 2008
1:30 PM
Lmao Jim. Where do you get um from.
---------- Regards W@yne UK
Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
442 posts
Feb 01, 2008
1:46 PM
J Star, There was nothing I could point to and say that's enough. My feeling has been that sometimes we respond to a post before giving it any thought. In our passion for our birds and believe in our point we sometimes discount another's. All I am trying to say is we should have a little more tolerance and respect for each other. Everyone on this board loves ROLLERS, you, me, everyone! Sometimes we agree, sometimes we disagree, both times should be with respect, another has a point of view different then ours, so what, it's just possible they are right. If only we take time to listen, and if we still disagree, then do so with respect. Beating it to death, I'm not talking about any one individual, just in general!!
Spinner Jim, were you downwind?
Last Edited by on Feb 01, 2008 1:47 PM
592 posts
Feb 01, 2008
9:24 PM
You are 1000% correct Thom and yes we as parents bear the responsability to teach our children what it takes to be respectable and contributing members of society.Sometimes they take their own route as adults but we should always be there to correct them if possible!
143 posts
Feb 01, 2008
10:23 PM
Golden Rule:
Treat others how you would like to be Treated...... sidLOVe*
Double R
236 posts
Feb 02, 2008
8:00 AM
I'm afraid in todays society there are to many parents that want to be their kids best friend instead of their parent. There's nothing wrong with being their friend but you must be the parent first and the friend second. My sister always wanted to be her kids friends first, and now she can ask them to do something and ends up having to do it herself.
If you teach your kids respect, they will respect you for it.