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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > Patience: How Long Do Wait To See Value In A Bird?
Patience: How Long Do Wait To See Value In A Bird?

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598 posts
Feb 03, 2008
12:08 PM
I have heard to many say..."i should have held on to that 1 longer".What is the longest a bird in your loft took to show its true qualities and value?What is a good measuring stick in regards to true potential?
Scott Campbell
22 posts
Feb 03, 2008
12:20 PM
Luis, it takes me no less than three years before I know if a bird truely has value in Stock , not only must that bird produce on all of my main stock but so does it's prodigy to keep the line moving forward.


Last Edited by on Feb 03, 2008 12:21 PM
568 posts
Feb 03, 2008
1:57 PM
Luis - Hear to the words "no less than three years." Many do not give the birds enough time to really understand the genetic makeup of what is inside the particular family of birds.
Scott Campbell
26 posts
Feb 03, 2008
3:00 PM
I might add that I can disproove a bird much faster than proove one, if I don't see true potential by the following Spring back in the air it goes.

600 posts
Feb 03, 2008
9:57 PM
Thanks for your replies guys.I would like to ask what is your experience with crossing families?Should i avoid it or is it a worthwhile endevour??I'm really interested in anyones replies who have had success with this!

Last Edited by on Feb 03, 2008 9:58 PM
743 posts
Feb 03, 2008
11:40 PM
Scott and Laron, right on, especially you first post Scott.

33 posts
Feb 04, 2008
1:35 AM
Luis in the past I have good success with crossing birds,especially using close bred birds with good capabilities,using the Bull system you are doing this regular.,with your common denominator always the Sire.

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