1923 posts
Oct 13, 2008
4:05 AM
Nice birds MKG ---------- Sal Ortiz
1679 posts
Oct 13, 2008
8:43 AM
nice pics thanks for sharing and let me know how they work out for you
505 posts
Oct 13, 2008
11:33 PM
Hey Joey,
I've been doing well - thanks. If you guys decide to get some birds from George, let me know, I may be interested in going in with you guys.
The trip to England was fantastic. Wayne Groves set it up for me and carted me around and Lana and Norm Howarth were fantastic hosts.
I got to visit George at his place and watch a couple of young bird kits and hear some history. Also, visited Mosley, and saw a Midlands fly.
I was overall impressed with the discipline and focus of the English mates, who generally founded their families from just a few main birds, and were not concerned at all with any but kit performance. Of course, I always felt the kit I saw at your house broke together better than any other kit I've seen in the US.
We tend to have dual purposes here in the US. Some guys like speed, sopme depth, some frequency, some color, etc. I still feel that the Mason/Barrett based families are the way to go for the ultimate competition kit.
678 posts
Oct 13, 2008
11:58 PM
Wow Those birds really look different than birds bred in the U.S. I would love to see a kit of them do there thing. Well good luck with them mate ---------- BIG WILLY TOPP FLIGHT/NCRC
James Herring
2 posts
Jun 20, 2010
7:34 PM
I know this is an old post I am responding to but, I just joined this Roller site, and all I can say is this bickering about the way peoples birds look is just plain childish. Get an honest judge, and put em' in the air. That is the only way to settle all this like men. I know Al Luna, My stock birds are from him by way of Ron M. direct off the imports Al had brought over. They are a lot smaller in build than the originals, still, they Are Masons. Again I say, grow up and put them in the air.
650 posts
Jun 20, 2010
10:47 PM
we do put them up - all the time. How's you do in the WC?
123 posts
Jun 21, 2010
9:25 AM
Question, Do mason like to be high flyers, fly up into the clouds? Lew
652 posts
Jun 21, 2010
1:21 PM
They fly lower than any family I have seen.
71 posts
Jun 21, 2010
8:12 PM
I think that some of you may want to contact Ron Moden I believe he had several of the Masons at one time. I may stand corrected but I believe Al got some from Ron several years back.
Jerry Lynn
489 posts
Jun 22, 2010
10:34 AM
Joey If Ken Firl keeps this up we are going to ship him over ..start looking of a place for him.
Ken..said.."We tend to have dual purposes here in the US. Some guys like speed, sopme depth, some frequency, some color, etc. I still feel that the Mason/Barrett based families are the way to go for the ultimate competition kit." bwinward
Last Edited by on Jun 26, 2010 9:54 PM
James Herring
5 posts
Jun 26, 2010
8:40 PM
I also have Masons that are from Al Luna, direct off the imports from George Mason. They look just like 155s birds. I have the pedigrees on them and they have never been crossed with any other family. Al Luna bred them to be smaller and compact.
James Herring
6 posts
Jun 27, 2010
7:30 AM
I like that, direct and to the point. How did I do in the W/C? I sucked but, that's because I didn't fly. See, I have been away from pigeons for 30 years and just got started again. I decided to go with english birds, I just now have my first round from them. Only breeding from 3 pair so it will be ahwile before I can compete with you big boys. Have a great day everyone and good luck on your breeding season.
Last Edited by on Jun 27, 2010 7:33 AM
373 posts
Aug 03, 2010
10:59 AM
Wow, all that over a couple of picture's. Man, I'm glad I'm out of pigeon's. Al Luna...........
657 posts
Aug 03, 2010
1:58 PM
Hi Brad,
constructive criticism is the way forward. Shall I instead say we have the best kits here and we just get robbed all the time in the comnp's?
The fact is the Emglish have been flying kit competitions which required birds to perform together since the 1800's. We have been doing it for perhaps the last 40 years.
Finally, lest I have not explained myself well, the only birds I have seen that made me want to bring them home have been Pensom based. Just my personal preference for speed and depth above frequency and simultaneous breaking.
Best Regards,
515 posts
Aug 03, 2010
6:14 PM
Ken First of all.. I was joking with you. I have read a time or two were you have a liking for the English birds. I simply think it has more to do with the breeders selection and fly sense than a specific family of birds. I have seen a few families of English birds that were rubbish more than likely because selection of the breeder was out of line. I really don't take much stock in how long someone has flown as well put in developing the birds, two of the best fliers according to fly world cup records both Monty and Heine have developed families of their own in a rather short period of time. We have not got robbed in the comps look at the record and history of the world cup. Get out a piece of paper and add up wins and lossed it is pretty even when you take a look at it. Who holds the records of all time points...just last year. I was wondering why you had Penson based birds at your house then was talking up the English bird in you post above, now that you explained it it make more sense. bwinward
923 posts
Aug 03, 2010
7:38 PM
Ken....They have been flying competition mush more than 40 years.PRC of the 50's for one,But you are rite Pensom stock.JDA
658 posts
Aug 04, 2010
2:19 PM
Hi Brad,
I'm glad I was able to clarify that I do see some qualities in some English birds that I have not seen in Pensom families.
Of course, I also see qualities in some Pensom based birds that I haven;t seen in any English based birds.
Of course we all have our own preferences.
Thanks for taking the time to listen.
Best Regards,
5 posts
Aug 09, 2010
7:54 AM
Hi i will try one more time to post my Masons rollers please let me know what you think thank bruce
Sound Rollers
378 posts
Aug 09, 2010
8:00 AM
Hi Bruce, I fixed the picture for you.
6 posts
Aug 09, 2010
8:08 AM
Hi and thank you i appreicated that bruce ps how do i post next time so i will be right bruce