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11 posts
Mar 02, 2008
9:33 AM
got so far in trying to put pictures on. got to the bit where it says go to rpdc forum. and got lost anybody help please
1221 posts
Mar 02, 2008
11:37 AM
After you download you pictures into photobucket,put you arrow on the picture and left click. You should get a large image of your picture to appear. At the top, you should get a heading saying "resize". Left click on it and choose your picture size, I use the 3rd one, 320x240 left click on it and your picture will resize. Then to the bottom and right of your picture, you will have four images to choose from. Choose the third one down, should be the HTML image. Left click on it and it should hi-light in blue, hit control and c at the same time and it will copy.

Now go to the RPDC forum and in your message box where you want to post your picture, left click then push control and v at the same time and it should paste. Click on the "post message" box and you should get a picture.

Hint; if you write a message before or after you paste your image, make sure you space down a couple of lines so you picture doesn't cover your message!


"Site Moderator"
509 posts
Mar 02, 2008
11:40 AM
poacher, I'm not sure why but for me it works best if I open the rpdc site first and the minimize it onto the bar before I go to photobucket. Then follow Val!

620 posts
Mar 02, 2008
1:05 PM
oldfart that what i do too...Val when you click on it and the word copy comes on its already copy i never have to put control and c once i click on it its copy..try one day for fun see if it works for you..
1222 posts
Mar 02, 2008
1:49 PM
Your right Ralph, its just a habit! I use that method to copy and paste everything! Old habit for an old dog! LOL

"Site Moderator"
499 posts
Mar 02, 2008
6:22 PM
Kenny, we `ll be looking for an update on those eggs and about 3 weeks.I hope they work out for ya.
Butch @
Sundance Roller Lofts

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