439 posts
Mar 09, 2008
9:13 PM
Just wanted to say hello to all my NCRC comrads. Ken I heard you did a really good job on the fly congrats. Cant wait to be in your shoes. I got discouraged for a while because of the BOPS, but im back. Flew some youngsters two days in a row and did not get hit. That was good for me
349 posts
Mar 09, 2008
11:06 PM
Hey Willy,
good for you! Gald to hear it that you've already got some youngsters going. I flew 2 kits Saturday, 7-8 birds at a time really working on getting the kit better - looking for culls and birds to move up.
Well, I had a Coopers come in under kit and then later on chase one bird hard but the pigeon outflew the hawk. As long as they don't get surprised or go down they can outly em on the straight.
Anyway the birds were prett well worn down so decided to feed em up for two days straight and let em sit for 3-4 days to let the BOP move on.
Come on over on the 22nd for our next fly if you can. I'll be last that day and we'll startin woodland.
30 posts
Mar 10, 2008
8:29 AM
I was wondering what was up with the NCRC website? I see it is gone, will the club get a new one?
352 posts
Mar 10, 2008
9:01 AM
I have no official role in the NCRC - I am only an active member so my position is not official.
We would like a wwebsite but the last 2 people that ran it, just stopped doing it with no notice.
For now, as in the past, our primary menas of communication with our members is our club bulletin mailed monthly to all club members.
Ken Firl
31 posts
Mar 10, 2008
9:55 PM
Hey Ken, I would have sent you a private e-mail but didn't have your address, I wanted to get some info on becoming a member of the NCRC. thanks David
407 posts
Mar 10, 2008
9:56 PM
tell jack meyers i said whats upppppppppp ---------- Watts uppp homeboy