George R.
407 posts
Mar 18, 2008
7:45 PM
is any kind of bird considered a Birmingham Roller as long as it SPINS ??
and if a bird dont spin then it is just a regular Pigeon?
Last Edited by on Mar 18, 2008 7:46 PM
2629 posts
Mar 18, 2008
8:13 PM
Birmingham is a noun.
Roller is a pronoun.
roller or sinner may be used as a verb or adverb.
A bird who does not roll or spin can be a Birmingham Roller.
A bird who rolls or spins does not have to be a Birmingham Roller, but can be a roller.
Just my take and it doesn't mean a pissing thing.
Nick Siders
48 posts
Mar 20, 2008
12:13 AM
Why should we debate and rehash this topic again? It doesnt matter what I or you or we as collective fanciers "call" them. I call mine all kinds of things inappropriate to repeat here, none of which include "roller" or "Birmingham". Really, this is old news, some believe because it is a performing breed, the performance defines it. Others recognize a ancestral line from which our current birds are derived. Neither matters. There is no such thing as a "pure breed". A breed is an arbitrary label we assign to a class within a species that meets a common set of criteria or standard. Since all breeds are derived one from another, at what point does it become "pure"? Why does it matter anyway? Really we have beat all the useful discussion out of this and for no appreciable consequence. I dont know why i took time to comment, perhaps im tired and my judgement is lapse ...
731 posts
Mar 20, 2008
12:21 AM
You might be tired,but your judgement is right on far as i'm concerned!Well put!!
10 posts
Mar 20, 2008
5:10 PM
I have to agree with wishiwon2 on this one. Pure is a relaitive term in breeding of any type. Some breeds are ancient others are only a few years or decades old some breeds were developed for looks and some for performance. All breeds at one time or another were developed from other breeds or from a from a mutation in a single breed. It is all a man made selective process. To some a roller is only a roller if it performs to a certain standard and to others only if it has a pedigree going back to England, to others if looks like a roller at all it is a roller so it all depends on who you are talking to and their definition of what is a breed and what is pure. In the end it is only as important as the person who hold that point of view. You make up your own point of view based on what is important to you, performance, pedigree, looks etc. and let others think what they want as long as it fits their needs. Everyone is not going to agree on one definition anyhow so why try to convience everyone that your point of view is the only one that counts. This is not only true in Birmingham Rollers but in any breed of pigeones and any type of pet or livestock. I have seen this same thing hashed and re-hashed in almost everything I have ever been involved in from pigeons, poultry, rabbits, goats, sheep, swine, cattle, hunting dogs etc. Breeding is breeding and in the end it is all the same, the only thing that is different is the goal of the breeders. JohnL