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The Original All Roller Talk Discussion Board Archive > how to make a simple trap door????????
how to make a simple trap door????????

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14 posts
Mar 18, 2008
8:47 PM
who knows a easy way
Ty Coleman
84 posts
Mar 18, 2008
8:52 PM
not being smart but they are about 25 bucks and it would take longer to make one than it would cost to me.
467 posts
Mar 18, 2008
9:12 PM
I purchase mine from Tony.

468 posts
Mar 18, 2008
9:20 PM
There easy ways to make some. Before I use to do them from 4" elbow pipe I think is what is call or the aluminum hangers I use to make some from them too.

2191 posts
Mar 18, 2008
9:45 PM
Get a 4"-45 degree ABS pipe elbows and make a pencil mark around the outside of one end on the front of your kitbox where you want the trap.Cut the circle out careful using a drill to start the hole and a jigsaw to complete it.Drill some holes big enough to take small screws you will use to screw the elbow at one end to the inside of the hole you just cut in the box.I use 2 elbows for each kitbox so the birds can get in quick.Landing board just under the front of the traps and a sliding door to close up tight.Thats about as clear as mud but they work real good.
Rum-30 Lofts

Last Edited by on Mar 18, 2008 9:46 PM
424 posts
Mar 18, 2008
9:53 PM

Works fine for me, maybe you could shorten the width a bit too or just buy one of Tony's!

Last Edited by on Mar 18, 2008 9:53 PM
543 posts
Mar 19, 2008
10:54 AM
I use the same setup as Kel and it works fine, the only difference is I also add a four inch pvc cleanout adaptor on the out side of the kit box for an easy means of locking the trap against intruders.

25 posts
Mar 19, 2008
3:00 PM
One ingenious way to make a trap or bob is to use a straitened wire coat hanger. Cut & bend it with two 90 degree angles sort of resembling a inverted or upside-down "U" but make the space between the 90's staight. You can make it whatever height you like.
Then lightly tack it on top with 2 wire staples so it still swings back and forth. It's not heavy duty but it works and is cheap.


Last Edited by on Mar 19, 2008 4:08 PM
566 posts
Mar 19, 2008
3:11 PM
joel, thats the way we done it when I was growing up. We didnt know any other way. worked fine for us.

I have some know that I made with 1/4 Inch brake line with an eye hook screwed into the top. Run a steel line thru the eyes with a few spacers...walah! works great too.

But to be honest, the brake line method aint cheap/ Now I buy ready made bob traps...
Butch @
Sundance Roller Lofts
243 posts
Mar 19, 2008
11:02 PM

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this was very simple to do and cost like $10 dollars to build and pretty quick
166 posts
Feb 22, 2009
8:56 AM
I use one lb coffee cans, I have for years. No cats or air sharks will fit. JDA
1814 posts
Feb 22, 2009
9:18 AM
When I was a kid...I used horse shoe nails and cloths hangers....I would bend a close hanger into a U with the U end actually squared off....then I would hammer in the horse shoe nails and leave them loose enough for the trap to work only cost you like 45 cents to make this trap and it works fine and actually works great.....

rock and ROLL

130 posts
Mar 07, 2009
7:05 PM
i just bought 2 of them elbows today i got the right ones 4" so thanks for this post i hope to have it built soon so i can post pics for ya guys and i hope my 3 pairs start hook'n up so i can get some babies ya know kevin

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