2229 posts
Mar 25, 2008
1:43 PM
sounds like a satisfactory grit tho I use the red pigeon grit and oyster shells mostly.My breeders have it front of them always(prevents calcium deficiency) but my kitbirds only get it once a week or so. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
587 posts
Mar 25, 2008
4:24 PM
Bert, I doubt they will eat too much. Pigeons, like most all animals seem to have an uncanny sense of what it is their bodies need. If they are eating a lot of grit , they are probably craving something in it. My guess is in a few days they will stop eating so much grit and go back to feed as usual. ---------- Butch @ Sundance Roller Lofts
730 posts
Mar 25, 2008
8:43 PM
LMAO Bertie you crack me up,,,grit is good for them so don't worry.its all good... ---------- Ralph....
485 posts
Mar 26, 2008
10:00 AM
remember if you feeding pellets U do not need grit