211 posts
Apr 18, 2008
1:50 PM
What kinds of things are you doing to fly with falcons and be successful? Are some strains more successful? How many do you have to raise to be able to compete? How many competitions do you fly in?
I am just not being successful. I am down to 21 birds to start the year. This is after locking down the "A" team from October to April. I raise about 75 young a year. That is three kit boxes of young with only one old bird kit.
I do not have time to fly out any more young birds, as I work and have a family. It is getting to the point where it is just not fun any more, so I am looking for something else to try.
Keith Maxwell
734 posts
Apr 18, 2008
2:22 PM
You need to raise more birds ---------- 454 TRIPLE "G" LOFT L.P.R.C
174 posts
Apr 18, 2008
9:15 PM
907 posts
Apr 18, 2008
9:18 PM
Sippi, email me .its in my profile I want to learn more about these OR---------- Ralph....
2325 posts
Apr 18, 2008
9:24 PM
yeah RIGHT!!!Orientals!!My late hatch BR kit from 07 15 birds has been attacked EVERYtime they've been out (everyday ) since apr 1st by the damn henery.lost one out of that kit april3rd.tonight the pair of the buggers were just kind of floating around above and below the kit and they all made it back in quick like but not much fly time.This kit is amazing me last night all but one hit the box roof immediately on attack and the one decided it would be better to go UP!!Well that peri was in hot pursuit and reached the black baldy in about 4 minutes they tussled a bit then that bird dove away from the SOB from 700 feet and was in the box within 12 seconds.They're my hawk kit for now,Sip.Can't wait to get some Orientals tho!! ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
2326 posts
Apr 18, 2008
9:26 PM
Now yer talkin Raf!! ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
908 posts
Apr 18, 2008
9:33 PM
Kel what about those doneks you think they are better for the falcon than the OR.. I put my birds on lock up for this month April that is the time the BOP is mostly out around here looking to feed there young..I had them in great shape so I'm having fun now fattening them up and let them get in shape again slowly but surely when i start flying them again in May.want to see how low they fly when they fat or how deep they roll because they heavy. love to play with these rollers and learn each and every time..then its back to muscle and hard body's . ---------- Ralph....
212 posts
Apr 19, 2008
8:45 AM
Sippi, You know that I am impatiently waiting for some FOR's
Raise more birds is only part of the answer. My birds just will not set up and roll when they are under constant attack. Are there some families that work better around the falcons?
913 posts
Apr 19, 2008
9:29 AM
How is telling someone to raise more birds a logical solution to Predator problems? This guy raises 75 birds a year. That just drives me nuts. I don't care how many you raise, if they are locked in on you they will eat them all. As if feeding the BOP's more rollers will solve the problem.
Take it from someone who knows BOP's as well as anyone...Move, try to fly around the attacks, or give up your rollers.
Tony Chavarria
Site Publisher
2368 posts
Apr 19, 2008
7:37 PM
There are only 3 solutions to bop. Go find them in the archives. JMO ---------- FLY ON! Tony Chavarria
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2334 posts
Apr 20, 2008
8:16 AM
Ralph, Haven't had these Doneks long enough to really say if they do better than any other breed as far as avoiding Falcons.When they are newflyers they don't have much chance but when they've been flying a few months they seem to dive right away when the henery attack.Mrs Peri caught my fave young red baldy Donek the other day and one other YB started diving at the falcon as she flew away with my bird in it's talons.I think ORs would be just as vulnerable when they are in training.The trick is to get them trained in the BOP off season if you have such a time. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts