2473 posts
May 10, 2008
8:15 PM
OK,,,I've got a pretty good grasp of what TO do to get a kit of BRs to do what I want them to do(gotta lonnnnngggggg ways to go tho')but I'm wondering about the what NOT to doos.I've heard about guys screwing up good birds,,,whole lofts of 'em,but was never explained how the hell it happens.What kind of poor management techniques would contribute to screwin' up a whole loft of birds which were really good performers under another mans stewardship?I wanna know so I don't make that kind of mistake and thought it may be a good thing to bring up on this forum to enlighten other new guys to this sport as well. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
Last Edited by on May 10, 2008 8:16 PM
2481 posts
May 10, 2008
10:24 PM
That's one good one.Same goes with breeders.Don't push em during moult.Anybody else have anything to contribute? ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
655 posts
May 10, 2008
10:25 PM
I have a bird that is changing color through the moult. He was a blue bar before, now he is turning into a brown/almond/red bar or something..??:S ---------- Andrew
Last Edited by on May 10, 2008 11:19 PM
656 posts
May 10, 2008
11:21 PM
Moulting is when the bird loses his/her old feathers and gets new ones in. Like when babies get iridescent they are going through their adult 'moult'. It occurs about every 5-6 months. ---------- Andrew
Last Edited by on May 10, 2008 11:21 PM
Mount Airy Lofts
735 posts
May 10, 2008
11:21 PM
I have seen whole kits be ruin when they are under constant attacks, flown regularly on windy days or high pressure days. Constantly being over fed.
Fast flying spells doom to any team of birds. High flying is just as lethal.
---------- It's all about the friends we make :)
1342 posts
May 10, 2008
11:43 PM
Here we go...
1. Flying the birds to hard with no rest 2. Not resting the birds enough 3. Over feeding 4. Not feeding enough 5 Flying during bad weather 6. Poor team selection 7. Stocking crap birds 8. Using the shotgun blast approach to breeding 9. Not changing you hats when flying birds..take you youngbird hat off when you are flying yearlings..take your yearling hat off when flying old birds
10 Changing families at the drop of a hat 11. Overflys due to poor feeding 12. Culling to hard 13. Not culling enough 14. change you style as the birds change. 15. Don't handle the birds enough 16. Don't get out of your backyard 17. Feeding the Raptors...LOCK DOWN!!!
Hell..I could go
rock and ROLL
Bill C
94 posts
May 11, 2008
1:00 AM
Kel, having read your post above. The biggest way to ruin a family of birds is to breed for feather colors. We've all heard it before but its true. As soon as a guy starts breeding birds for certain colors he is losing the gene pool the guy before him had worked to aquire through many years of selection, only to be lost in one or two generations. There are several ways to ruin a family. Breed from birds that bump all the time. I don't like the word heat in rollers. Most use that as an exchange for unstable birds. If a family has alot of heat, they say, to me translate alot of unstable birds. Of course roll downs would also pollute the gene pool and breeding from birds that you did not fly out based on pedigree or color. The new guys have to learn from trial and error for the most part but many will take the advice from the guys who do well with rollers and advice from them is a great asset. If you don't learn from your mistakes you are destine to repeat them. I am still learning alot from these birds and I am confident I will always have the birds I have right now. I might get a pair or two in the future but I really don't need anything more than I have right now. Bill C
Last Edited by on May 11, 2008 1:03 AM
2483 posts
May 11, 2008
5:51 AM
Yeah,,,,all those things,eh.I guess having breeders from different families and trying to fly the young together could screw things up too. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
1723 posts
May 11, 2008
7:41 AM
Dont give up!!! If at first you dont succeed,change your pairings.
Dont give in to the urge to do your chores while your squeaks are flying. They are the future,your future.
Dont forget the little things that make a difference,ie... Sprinkle your perches or birds with a powdered insecticide to kill the red mites. Powdered insecticide will be carried to the nest by the parents and treat it with a nominal amount of the powder.
next? ---------- V99
Keep the best. Eat the rest.
2491 posts
May 11, 2008
9:37 PM
Good reminders.I don't get any bugs in my lofts,using garlic in the water regular helps big time. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
1054 posts
May 11, 2008
9:46 PM
Do not give culls away... and do not keep non rollers with birds that roll in the same team.. ---------- Ralph