675 posts
May 31, 2008
12:01 PM
For many of the guys that are starting with rollers. Don't follow the name or the pedigree, see what you like and buy it from the air. Many will tell you, you need this strain to be competitive to sale you birds for top $.
If I have one strain and I have been using it for a couple of years breeding them my way and if you purchase your birds from the same person they might not be roll the same. What if I breed for a certain trait that you don't want in your birs? I will bring your birds way down instead of you going up.
I hear many times some one looking for a certain strain that is usually gone not dead but really hard to find close to the original. Every one breeds different even if they are from the same strain they all will be different in one way or another depending how they breed them from there on.
I was like that when I started I wanted to follow certain names or certains pedigrees. I found out that all perform different and had different style of roll. That should not be if they where from the same person should it. So now I'm breeding the way I like to breed not following what others tell me.
---------- SALAS LOFT
299 posts
May 31, 2008
1:31 PM
Thats a good post quick spin. Unless you have a hands on mentor, you will make the birds different when you start breeding them. It may only be small things but you will do it different. I went through a lot of supposed to be "big name" birds years ago. I finally watched some from a family that I liked and got some breeders and started making my own. Still a work in progress.
1161 posts
Jun 01, 2008
1:01 AM
smoke747 ---------- Keith London ICRC
764 posts
Jun 01, 2008
6:40 AM
Salas - Great post! Find out what you desire out of your birds and stick to a program. If you can find a mentor it will be all that the much better if possible. Do not let anyone tell you that you need a particular family to win competitions (this is a sales pitch that has been working for many). Remember, we are all in the same year 2008! Old stuff, new stuff is all hogwash it is what the individual bred or breeds for. It is that simple! If he or she has what you desire then it is a go and if not find someone that has it. Also, remember there are many genetic variables and the more you add the more variables. People still fail to realize that one organization, one club; one super fly :) does not govern the way! I do not care who they are PRC or whatever c it is there are many approaches individual, kit, deep, whatever it is chose what you want and do not be a cult follower because the majority does it this way or that way.