132 posts
Jun 06, 2008
11:07 AM
Joe Urbon, I manage to get a pair of your birds from last year Norther Cali Lawn Show in Visalia. Im kinda having problems breeding the two birds. They do produce eggs but its not hatching. I foster the eggs but no hope either. Any suggestion would help.
this is the cock

the hen

i manage to get one offspring from this pair, black self hen
Last Edited by on Jun 06, 2008 11:08 AM
525 posts
Jun 06, 2008
1:26 PM
Kham, Did they just produce the one ?
I really dont know how to help you on that one other than to try clipping the vents on both birds. Give it a shot and let me know.
Also are the eggs turning dark or just staying light?
They did turn out to be good looking birds though. They were still young when I donated them. Got that pearl eye that all of my birds have. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners
Last Edited by on Jun 06, 2008 1:29 PM
1622 posts
Jun 06, 2008
1:29 PM
Have you medicated the birds recently!! if so what kind of meds!!
If not, I would suggest to give them antibiotic for 10 days and try to breed them again.
Last Edited by on Jun 06, 2008 1:30 PM
120 posts
Jun 06, 2008
1:30 PM
Also make sure they have plenty to eat and drink and have room to breed.-joe v.
Last Edited by on Jun 06, 2008 1:40 PM
526 posts
Jun 06, 2008
1:35 PM
Good point Joe, Kham , I am not familiar with your breeding arangment but you need to have a spot were the birds can comfortably mate without being interupted. If the eggs are going dark but not hatching that is a pretty good sign for paratyphoid but make sure first. I dont like medicating unless necessary. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners
135 posts
Jun 06, 2008
4:08 PM
Joe that black self hen is the only one tat i manage to get from their second round. Rite now the pair is on their 5th round. The birds are pretty healthy and they have enough to eat. I housed the birds in one of my 2 by 2 pen and space is enough and the other birds in the other pen are breeding well. The eggs are pretty normal to me. I'll try those suggestions out and see how it goes.
532 posts
Jun 06, 2008
4:11 PM
If they dont produce after you trim the vents then let me know I will try to get you another pair that you can try to swap mates with them. Paratyphoid will kill the chicks befor or during hatching and if they do make it out they usually will not make it. Look around your loft for mice and or rats. They are strong carriers and can rek havoc on a breeding loft. Joe ---------- J.M.Urbon Lofts A Proven Family of Spinners
Last Edited by on Jun 06, 2008 4:14 PM
136 posts
Jun 06, 2008
5:06 PM
thanks joe, Ill try trimming the vent and see how it goes. The breed pens are out in my yard next to my kitbox and its free from rats and mice. I dont think medications is necessary. I'll trim the vent first for now and deal with medication later.