154 posts
Jun 22, 2008
10:37 AM
Mycoplasmosis Catarrh
The chronical form of catarrh in pigeons often is called "Mycoplasmosis". It is caused by a multiple infection with pathogens: bacteria (e.g. Cocci), viruses (e.g. Herpes) and pathogens which belong to the group of mycoplasma organisms. It is assumed that mycoplasma causes severe conditions only in the presence of other infections.
Pathogen/Cause: Outside the animal body, mycoplasma organisms are viable only for a short period (approx. 17 days at 20°C, but only 20 minutes at 50°C). Low temperatures favour their survival. Mycoplasma organisms are killed by almost all commonly used disinfectans, e.g. desinfectans. Transmission takes place through the faeces, the drinking-water, feed, equipment and by droplet infection from pigeon to pigeon.
Symptoms of the disease: Mucopurolent discharge from the nose, reduced flying performance, unwillingness to fly, flying awkwardly, throat inflammation, rattling and wheezing sound of respiration particularly noticeable by night. Air sac inflammation.
Recognition of the disease: Cadaver examination: air sac inflammation Serological blood test
Treatment: See treatment plan for the application of aviosan.
Disinfection by using desinfectans.
Prevention: Elimination of possible factors that reduce the bird's resistance to infection. Such factors may be: overcrowding in the loft, lack of cleanliness, latent infections (e.g. ectoparasites, worm infestations, coccidial infection), excessive stress in breeding, deficient feed, poor water supply, stress during the racing season.