301 posts
Jun 26, 2008
1:53 PM
I have one young bird that I was really impressed with. He (I call it a he, don't really know)started rolling the very first time in the air and they get better and better. Well now he's like too good! Rolls ever few seconds and if he ever does a long roll he is headed in the other direction when he comes out of it. Like if he was flying South when he starts rolling he is heading North when he comes out of he roll. What's going on here anyone know?
999 posts
Jun 26, 2008
1:59 PM
Thats cool, he must be doing many backflips and turns 180 degrees in the process.. lol ---------- Andrew
178 posts
Jun 26, 2008
2:07 PM
if he's in front of the rest of the kit facing them when he comes outta the roll maybe he's lookin at them saying "now what!,top that!" lol ---------- "ROLLIN INTO 08"
1435 posts
Jun 26, 2008
2:10 PM
Birtie That bird (Moderated: needs to be removed from your stock) im afraid, ---------- Regards W@yne UK
Patience Perseverance Perfection =====================================
Last Edited by on Jun 26, 2008 2:18 PM
717 posts
Jun 26, 2008
2:17 PM
To be honest that is a fault coming out the wrong way. The birds have to roll when the kit rolls not before or after or by him self. When they roll they have to roll straight down like when you drop a ball. When it breaks out of the roll it has to be clean no effort and shooting back to the kit like a swing shot in the same dirrection the kit is flying.
If he rolls every few seconds that might be too frequent and it might not be able to kit later on. Some times they do this when they are young but you have to feed them more so they can keep up with the kit.
Keep and eye to this bird.
2694 posts
Jun 26, 2008
3:59 PM
Give him some more time if it's a this years hatch.Not a good sign tho. ---------- Kel. Rum-30 Lofts
Last Edited by on Jun 26, 2008 3:59 PM
722 posts
Jun 26, 2008
4:21 PM
Bertie, William H. Pensom wrote in his book, The Birmingham Roller Pigeon, on page 57 in explination of his sketches on page 52 of the proper way in which a roller should spin. "Turning to the sketches, I have tried to illustrate the roll as it looks from a back view, from the side view and the direction taken by the bird at the end of the spin. It will be seen that while the bird turns over backwards at the commencement of the roll, it generally comes out of same in a reverse direction, but the action is so quick that the bird adjusts itself among the flock that the act passes unnoticed." Mr. Pensom did not see this as a fault. The bird is young and deserves a chance, the constant flip, flip, flip is more a fault in my mind, but it still deserves a chance to develope. As long as it is kitting and keeping up with the kit, I would give it every chance.
jmho, Thom
104 posts
Jun 26, 2008
4:45 PM
Can u get a video of the bird so we can all see the bird roll??
Cristian Castro
CM Loft
355 posts
Jun 26, 2008
5:41 PM
Bertie most will fly out of it but some dont and are a detriment to the kit and kit flying. If it doesnt bother you then fly him. He is young though and needs to be given a chance to develop.
1418 posts
Jun 26, 2008
5:54 PM
Young birds go through so many stages of development...I have had young birds come out strong then stiff...come out strong then roll down...come out sloppy and then turn into a fast tight roller...even coming out the wrong way then never doing it again. The flip flip flip thing also happens when birds come into the roll...sometime young birds will hit a roll and then land because it was new...some will stay away from the kit...some will just pass it all as a phase....anyway...unless it is disrupting the team...let the bird go through its paces...sometimes a demotion to a younger team helps.....either way...give young birds time and have patience...
rock and ROLL
302 posts
Jun 26, 2008
7:16 PM
Thanks for all your input on my problem bird. I'll watch him and think I'll give him a rest for a week or so. I've been flying them all every morning and he has done good until about a week ago. He came up missing for a few minutes one day and then came back in. I think I know what happened to him but I won't mention it here.
721 posts
Jun 26, 2008
7:37 PM
Keep flying the bird, every day and just feed him more. This will help him control the roll more and not do any mistake.
If you rest him on the day you fly him he will want to roll even more. You need him to develop the muscle to handle the roll.
I had one bird that was too frequent and I knew that I had to keep flying him strong and feeding him more. I did that and now he handles the roll and kits nice.